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Intraoperative correction of immune response as a part of comprehensive treatment for congenital hydronephrosis in children
Vitaly Ivanovich Lapshin; Maxim Razin; Sergey Minaev; Mikhail Aksel’rov; Tatyana Borisovna Agalakova; Elena Borisovna Dunaeva; Elena Borisovna Dunaeva; Dmitrii Andreevich Dyakonov; Victoria Anatolyevna Makhneva;
Complex approach to the treatment of phegmon and compartment syndrome of the upper limb
Yuri Viktorovich Krasenkov; Vladimir Tatyanchenko; Juliana Vasilyevna Sukhaya; Valery Leonidovich Bogdanov;
Single -time liver resections for metastatic damage in colorectal cancer
Andrey Andreevich Bondarenko; Vladimir Esin; Robert Mustafin; Vladimir Vladimirovich Kutukov;
Surgical correction of rectal atresia with recto-vestibular fistula
Mikhail Chepurnoy; Oleg Leonidovich Matveev; Anaida Dadayan; Roman Astakhov; Vladimir Valerievich Kolesnikov;
A gentle method of treating an acute spermatic cord cyst in children
Jamshid Shamsiev; Firdavs Abdusamatovich Khurramov; Uktamjon Tairovich Suvonkulov; Zafar Mamadzhanovich Makhmudov;
A new device for the return of bile in the digestive tract of patients with obstructive jaundice
Arthur Aidemirov; Natalia Shahnazaryan; Albert Vafin; Arsen Shahnazaryan;
A new device for the symptomatic treatment of ascites in women
Arthur Aidemirov; Natalia Shahnazaryan; Albert Vafin; Victor Gorbunkov; Arsen Shahnazaryan; Ellina Aidеmirov;
A new method of retrosternal tunnel formation during esophagoplasty in children
Gennady Chepurnoy; Andrey Kivva; Mikhail Chepurnoy; Kirill Novikov; Marina Kaimakchi;
A transsternal approach for the surgical treatment of congenital isolated tracheo-esophageal fistula
Gennady Chepurnoy; Mikhail Chepurnoy;
Actinomycosis in coloproctology
Alexandr Muravyev; Peter Chumakov; Roman Juravel; Konstantin Muravyov; Oksana Vladimirova; Sofia Korablina;
Adaptation mechanisms in patients with craniofacial trauma
Eugenia Eliseeva; Evgeniy Sharipov; Kristina Gandylyan; Julietta Suyunova;
An esophageal anastomosis leakage in case of esophageal atresia
Mikhail Chepurnoy; Gennady Chepurnoy; Valery Katsupeev; Boris Rosin; Maxim Kovalyov;
An integrated approach to the treatment of complicated forms of hiatal hernia taking into account the patient’s individual features
Denis Mihajlovich Cherkasov; Mihail Cherkasov; Vladimir Tatyanchenko; Sabina Gadzhievna, Melikova; Yurij Mihajlovich Starcev; Viktor Borisovich Shamik;
Analysis of complications of non-flapped breast reconstructions after mastectomy for cancer
Samvel Vladimirovich Petrosyants; Arthur Aidemirov; Denis Nikolaevich Rovenskikh; Sergey Petrovich Shevchenko; Oksana Vladimirova; Sidorov Sergei; Dmitry Vladimirovich Ivanov;
Analysis of surgical treatment of superficial thrombophlebitis as a complication of lower extremities varicosity
Roman Nikolaevich Komarov; Yuri Voskanyan; Ruslan Chemurziev; Evgeni Golubov; Konstantin Nikolaev; Yuri Alborov;
Aparasitism and anti-parasitism principle in liver echinococcosis surgery: results
Albert Vafin; Arthur Aidemirov; Artur Abdokov; Alexander Popov; Ekaterina Mashurova; M Malanka;
Application cryoplasma-antienzyme therapy in complex treatment of patients with sepsis
Evgeny Aleksandrovich Tseymakh; Victor Zinchenko; Olga Lavrinenko; Vladimir Chernenko; Alexander Kalashnikov; Mikhail Tseymakh; Mikhail Tseymakh; Elena Shalabod;
Application of dosed tissue stretching for skin and tissues defects of upper limbs
Stanislav Pyatakov; Vladimir Bensman; Alexandr Baryshev; Sergey Bardin; Frol Bogdanov; Alexey Bulatov; Igor Suzdaltsev;
Application of elastic osteosynthesis tens in children with diaphyseal fractures
Burkhard Martin Christian Evers; Alesya Isaeva; Sergey Minaev; Natusya Barova; Yuri Vasilievich Pozharsky; Aliy Askerovich Edidzhi; Mamuka Shalvovich Ushveridze; Maria Sergeevna Bagdasaryan;
Application of finely granulated titanium nickelide in surgical practice
Pavel Trushin;
Application of porous titanium nickelide for treatment of patients with chronic osteomyelitis
Andrey Stofin; Michail Shegolev; Pavel Trushin; Vladimir Golovnev; Vladimirovich Andrey; Sergey Shtofin;
Application of the integral complications severity index for optimization of surgical treatment for acute cholecystitis of mild and moderate severity
Iliya Natroshvili; Enver Baychorov; Mikhail Prudkov; Aleksandr Shulutko;
Association of aneurysmal subarachoid hemorrhage outcomes with the surgical treatment techniqu
Sergey Ermakov; Oleg Belokon; Elena Anatolyevna Grishko; Alexey Pavlovich Kornev; Madina Bogatyreva; Vladimir Viktorovich Eliseev; Vladimir Viktorovich Eliseev; Diana Arturovna Gasparyan;
Atomic force microscopy of erythrocytes of patients with longerly non -healing wounds at the background of chronic venous failure
Georgy Karapetyan; Ludmila Kochetova; Regina Pakhomova;
Bronchoscopy in lung abscess diagnosis and treatment
Tatyana Pinchuk; Oleg Olegovich Yasnogorodsky; Aleksandr Shulutko; Vadim Mochalov; Mikhail Taldykin; Alexander Naryshkin; Anastasia Sedova; Natalya Savelyeva;
Change of parameters in prooxidant-antioxidant bile system in patients with the obstruction of bile-excreting ducts
Mikhail Bykov; Alexander Basov;
Choise of a treatment method of hemorrhoids and paraproctitis in patients with patological scarring susceptibility
Alexandr Muravyev; Peter Lavreshin; Vladimir Gobejishvili; Vladimir Linchenko; Oksana Vladimirova; Vakhtang Gobejishvili; Oleg Lysenko; Roman Juravel; Vyacheslav Malyugin;
Clinical and laboratory assessment of monoxide nitrogen -containing gas flow application in programmed laparosanation in patients with purulent peritonitis
Igor Suzdaltsev; Urii Pykhtin; Sergey Pustii; Alexander Panchenko; Sergey Minaev;
Clinical and morphological predictors in the surgical treatment of hilar cholangiocarcinoma
Yuri Zharikov; Yuri Kovalenko; Alexey Zhao;
Clinical efficacy of a novel dosed tissue distraction method in the treatment of soft tissue defects in the lower limbs
Stanislav Pyatakov; Vladimir Porkhanov; Alexandr Baryshev; Svetlana Pyatakova; Sergey Bardin; Igor Suzdaltsev;
Comparative characteristics of injuries in blunt abdominal trauma with liver damage in cases of compression impact on the abdominal area an d falls on stomach
Yuri Pigolkin; Irina Dubrovina; Arshak Mosoyan; Vladimir Nikolenko; Alexey Bychkov; Bella Khachaturian; Egor Sedykh;
Comparative evaluation and clinical effectiveness of various methods of intra-abdominal abscesses sanation
Valeria Demyanova; Igor Suzdaltsev; Urii Pykhtin; Alexander Panchenko; Sergey Pustii;
Complex approach in diagnostics and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease complicated by metaplasia of the esophagus
Denis Mihajlovich Cherkasov; Mihail Cherkasov; Sabina Gadzhievna, Melikova; Andrey Vladimirovich Skuratov; Sergeevich Todorov Sergey; Yurij Mihajlovich Starcev;
Complex perioperational analgesia in patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery for hiatal hernia
Maksim Burikov; Yulia Makhno; Natalia Volkova; Oleg Shoolgin; Ivan Skazkin; Irina Sokirenko; Aleksandr Kinyakin;
Complex treatment of gluteal phlegmon and compartment syndrome
Elena Nikolaevna Byakova; Vladimir Tatyanchenko; Yuri Viktorovich Krasenkov;
Complex, three-dimensional reconstruction of critical size defects following delayed implant placement using stem cell-containing subepithelial connective tissue graft and allogenic human bone blocks for horizontal alveolar bone augmentation: a case report as proof of clinical study principles
Wolf-Dieter Grimm; Mathias Plöger; Ingmar Schau; Alexander Vukovic; Evgeny Shchetinin; Albert Akkalaev; Ruzanna Avanesyan; Sergey Sirak;
Complications of the direct esophageal anastomosis in esophageal atresia
Mikhail Chepurnoy; Gennady Chepurnoy; Valery Katsupeev; Maxim Kovalyov; Igor Shitikov; Anton Kulakov; Nikolay Gasanov; Oleg Kabanov;
Concept of spontaneous hemostasis in trauma spleen in children
Vladimir Podkamenev; Ilya Pikalo;
Could erectile dysfunction in type 2 diabetes change the presumption of normative total blood serum testosterone?
Michail Kogan; Igor Belousov; Irina Khripun; Sergey Vorobyev; Halid Ibishov; Elizaveta Dzantieva; Artur Cherniy;
Delayed breast reconstruction after mastectomy
Enver Baychorov; Igor Kunpan;
Detoxification process of patients with obstructive jaundice of various genesis
Natalia Shahnazaryan; Arthur Aidemirov; Albert Vafin; Arsen Shahnazaryan;
Diagnosis and surgical treatment of the rectal forms of hirshprungs disease in children
Rasul Abayhanov; Igor Kirgizov; Artem Shakhtarin; Maxim Aprosimov;
Diagnosis and treatment children with acute scrotal pain. Twenty years single centre experience.
Sergey Minaev; Yuri Bolotov;
Diagnosis and treatment of the congenital diaphragmatig hernia in children: a multicenter research
Maxim Razin; Sergey Minaev; Mikhail Aksel’rov; Victor Tarakanov; Aleksandr Svirsky; Pavel Trushin; Alena Galanina; Natusya Barova; Alexey Gramzin; Maksim Smolensev;
Differentiated approach to antihypoxic and endoportal therapy in treatment of discharged peritonitis complicated by syndrome of intestinal insufficiency
Mikhail Topchiev; Dmitriy Parshin; Eldar Kchibekov; Petr Birukov; Misrikhan Misrikhanov;
Double esophagostomy сomplications in children with esophageal atresia
Mikhail Chepurnoy; Gennady Chepurnoy; Andrey Kivva;
Effect of negative pressure drainage with irrigation on peculiarities of microstructure of parapancraetic tissue and the dynamics of microflora in patients with infected necrotizing pancreatitis
Vladimir Beschastnov; Andrey Leontyev; Oleg Mokeev; Maksim Кyabkov;
Effectiveness of endoscopic ligation of varicose veins of the esophagus and transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt in the prevention of repeated bleedings in patients with ascites included on the waiting list for liver transplantation
Roman Vyacheslavovich Korobka; Sergey Vladimirovich Gautier; Yury Khoronko; Viktor Dmitrievich Pasechnikov; Natalia Germanovna Sapronova; Mikhail Vladimirovich Malevanny; Ekaterina S. Pak; Dmitry Viktorovich Pasechnikov; Elena Valerievna Tadiyeva;
Efficacy of surgery and laser matrixectomy in the treatment of onychocryptosis in children
Valeriy Sataev; Armen Rafaelovich Kasyan; Anna Ivanovna Lebedeva; Vladimir Grigorievich Alyangin;
Efficiency of peritonitis treatment in experiment depending on the abdominal cavity sanation method
Igor Suzdaltsev; Valentina Botasheva; Valeria Demyanova; Urii Pykhtin; Sergey Pustii; Alexander Panchenko;
Efficiency of retrieval bags for use during laparoscopic surgery to remove hydatid cysts of the liver
Sergey Minaev; Igor Vitalevich Kirgizov; Mikhail Aksel’rov; Igor Gerasimenko; Jamshid Shamsiev; Nikolay Bykov; Alina Nikolaevna Grigorova; Alexandr Muravyev;
Enhanced recovery after surgery in patients with body mass index over 50
Bekhan Khatsiev; Nauruz Uzdenov; Alexander Kuzminov;
Etiopathogenetic features of the furuncle of the maxillofacial region
Guzel Fajzullina; Faniya Mirsaeva;
Evaluating the effectiveness of glucocorticosteroid monotherapy for the treatment of keloid and hypertrophic scars
Oksana Vladimirova; Peter Lavreshin; Vladimir Vladimirov; Evgeny Pechenkin; Sofia Korablina; Alina Nikolaevna Grigorova; Ilyas Korkmazov; Mariam Nyurchikovna Machukova;
Evaluation of the quality of life of patients with renal arterial hypertension in duplication of kidneys
Roman Frantsev; Alesya Khripunova; Yulia Redko;
Experience of treatment the patients with pilonidal sinus
Peter Lavreshin; Vladimir Gobejishvili; Vladimir Linchenko; Sofia Korablina; Oksana Vladimirova; Vladimir Vladimirov; Dmitrii Overchenko;
Experience with esmeron in day surgery in children
Esmira Nasibova; Ramiz Poluxov;
Fast track in the treatment of newborns with necrotizing enterocolitis
Sergey Minaev; Alexandr Obedin; Alexandr Kachanov; Mikhail Annenkov; Elena Tovkan; Igor Gerasimenko;
Functional results of the abdominal -anal resection of the rectum for rectal cancer
Igor Nechai;
Improvement of methods and preventive measures during surgical interventions in patients with liver echinococcosis
Nurbek Bektashevich Kasyev; Akylbek Inayatovich Musaev; Dzholdoshbekov Esengeldi Djoldoshbekov; Myktybek Satybaldievich Aitnazarov; Rasul Mammadovich Bashirov;
Improvement of surgical care for children with foreign bodies in the airways
Azamat Shamsiev; Jamshid Shamsiev; Jasur Aslidinovich Ruziev; Abdukodir Kamalbayevich Shakhriev; Zafar Mamadzhanovich Makhmudov;
Influence of pacemaker implantation on the hemostasis system of patients in early postoperative period
Roman Kalinin; Igor Suchkov; Vladislav O. Povarov; Olga Nikolaevna Zhurina;
Integral hematological parameters, cellular and humoral immunity in patients with obstructive jaundice of different degree
Yuriy Vinnik; Regina Pakhomova; Ludmila Kochetova; Vasiliy Kozlov;
Intraoperative diagnostics of intestines vitality under conditions of different variations of children ’s intestines obstructions
Igor Babich; Yury Melnicov;
Intussusception treatment in children. Single center experience
Maksim Savenko; Valeriy Degtyar; Aleksandr Barsuk; Alexander Gladkij; Sergey Koval;
Long-term results of treatment and quality of life in patients undergone surgery for acute severe pancreatitis
Evgeny Aleksandrovich Tseymakh; Vladislav Arkadevich Bombizo; Pavel Nikolaevich Buldakov; Anna Alekseevna Averkina; Dmitry Nikolaevich Ustinov; Andrey Viktorovich Udovichenko; Sergey Ivanovich Maletin; Oleg Valerievich Akimochkin;
Low invasive interventions under navigation control in treatment of peripancreatic destructive changes in patients with necrotizing pancreatitis
Alexandr Bondarenko; Enver Baychorov; Peter Chumakov; Valeria Demyanova; Urii Pykhtin; Liana Kurmanseitova; Margarita Rytikova; Oleg Lukyanenko;
Magnеsium-calcium balance and endothelial dysfunction in operative stress
Vladimir Baturin; Vasiliy Fisher; Sergey Sergeev; Ivan Yatsuk;
Medical-diagnostic approach in adolescents with lower limb varicosity
Igor Doronin; Sergey Minaev; Yaroslav Sukhodolov;
Medicinal prophylaxis of restenosis after lower limb arterial reconstructive surgery
Roman Kalinin; Igor Suchkov; Alexandr Pshennikov; Alexandr Slepnyov;
Method of hemorroidectomy as prophylaxis of anal stenosis in patients with predisposition to rough cicatrization
Alexandr Muravyev; Oleg Lysenko; Peter Lavreshin; Konstantin Muravyov; Vladimir Gobejishvili; Vakhtang Gobejishvili; Vladimir Linchenko; Alexandr Efimov;
Method of predicting the course of obstructive jaundice of various genesis
Natalia Shahnazaryan; Arthur Aidemirov; Albert Vafin; Arsen Shahnazaryan; Ellina Aidеmirov;
Methods of modified ultrafiltration in the surgical correction of transposition of the great arteries in newborns
Nurlan Baizhigitov; Almas Ormantayev; Anar Sepbayeva;
Microsurgical thyroidectomy in patients with multinodular goiter with nervous disorders of the larynx
Yuri Nazarochkin; Tamara Panova; Alexander Proskurin; Yuri Kuchin; Robert Mustafin;
Morphological evaluation of microcirculatory disorder in the zone of intestinal anastomosis
Georgy Mildzikhov; Valeriy Totikov; Madina Pagieva; Zaurbek Totikov;
Multicenter research of persistent cloacal malformation surgery in children
Igor Kirgizov; Sergey Minaev; Alexander Gladkij; Ilya Shishkin; Artem Shakhtarin; Maxim Aprosimov; Sergey Timofeev; Igor Gerasimenko;
Necrotizing enterocolitis of newborns. Do we do everything to save our patients?
Alexandr Obedin; Alexandr Kachanov; Mikhail Annenkov; Elena Tovkan; Olga Kirienko;
Netosis as a process involved in the consolidation of aneurysmal bone cysts in children using hemostatic agents
Andrey Valerievich Pisklakov; Dmitry Georgyevich Novikov; Alexander Nikolaevich Zolotov; Konstantin Vladimirovich Palianov; Michail Michaylovich Korobeinikov; Vyacheslav Ivanovich Ponomarev; Alexey Gennadyevich Kalinichev; Anatoly Vasilyevich Lysov;
New opportunities of electroimpedansometry to control the wound process
Alexey Sergeev; Dmitry Mokhov; Alexey Sergeev; Artem Mikhailovich Morozov;
Optimal treatment strategy for patients with obstructive jaundice of various origins
Arthur Aidemirov; Natalia Shahnazaryan; Albert Vafin; Arsen Shahnazaryan; Sergey Roy; Ahmad Saif;
Organ -preserving trends in the treatment of blunt splenic trauma in children
Anna Shapkina;
Our experience of secondary multistage treatment for complex long gap esophageal atresia
Alexander Sterlin; Christina Ötzmann von Sochaczewski; Georgiana Fotache; Veronika Engel; Jan Gödecke; Oliver Muensterer;
Our experience of treatment of incisional ventral hernias
Anatolii Abalyan; Arthur Aidemirov; Albert Vafin; Ekaterina Mashurova; Ellina Aidеmirov;
Outcomes of pediatric inguinal hernia repair: the single-center cohort study
Alexander Stolyar; Mikhail Aksel’rov; Maxim Razin; Sergey Minaev; Ramiz Poluxov; Natusya Barova; Tatyana Borisovna Agalakova;
Pectus carinatum, overview and results of orthotic bracing therapy
Zacharias Zachariou;
Percutanious sclerotization of non -parasitic splenic cysts
Fikret Nabievich Nasirov; Alexander Givievich Natroshvili; Aleksandr Shulutko; Oleg Olegovich Yasnogorodsky; Andrey Yurievich Moiseev;
Positive impact of ultrasound in management of acute appendicitis in children
Alessandro Raffaele; Piero Romano; Marinella Guazzotti; Fabrizio Vatta; Silvia Cavaiuolo; Marco Brunero; Luigi Avolio; Gian Battista Parigi;
Prediction of the development of infectious complications with pancronecrosis
Enver Baychorov; Vladimir Baturin; Sergeevich Ganja Nikolay; Ramazanovich Bayramukov Rasul; Shamil Salpagarov; Oleg Zinchenko; Vakhtang Gobejishvili;
Prediction of the failure of colonic anastomoses during resection of the left parts of the colon and rectum
Sharip Omaraskhabovich Darbishgadzhiev; Denis Vladimirovich Vikhrev; Anatoly Afanasevich Baulin; Oleg Igorevich Kaganov; Vyacheslav Gudoshnikov; Sergey Alexandrovich Nikishin;
Prediction postoperative purulent-inflammatory complications in pancreatoduodenectomy
Enver Baychorov; Lev Brusnev; Sergey Novodvorsky; Ivan Gridasov; Magomed Baichorov; Sergey Semenov; Shakhban Guseinov;
Prevalence of mutant BRAF v600e in the papillary thyroid carcinoma in patients from Kazakhstan and its correlation with clinical-morphological tumor characteristic
Askar Tlegenov; Zhangentkhan Abylaiuly; Dauren Adilbay; Shanar Yeleubaeva; Galym Adilbayev; Elvira Satbaeva; Svetlana Bolshakova;
Prevention of new-onset atrial fibrillation after direct myocardial revascularization surgery: randomized comparative study
Vladimir Kolesnikov; Olga Boeva; Alexandr Yagoda; Anna Ivanenko; Elena Danilova; Sergey Danilov;
Prevention of postoperative hernia in midline laparotomy
Andrey Fedoseev; Vladimir Rybachkov; Aleksandr Inyutin; Sergey Lebedev;
Rectovaginal fistulas. Is there an optimal method of surgical treatment?
Alexandr Muravyev; Ashkhen Shagenovna Galstian; Peter Lavreshin; Sergey Minaev; Roman Juravel; Dmitrii Overchenko; Oleg Lysenko; Sofia Sergeevna Korablina;
Results endovascular diagnosis and treatment of patients with hemorrhagics troke aneurysmal etilogii in the hospital
Oleg Belokon; Rostislav Mozheyko; Alexandr Sletov;
Results of the clinical use of a new method for surgical treatmen t of weapon in juries of parenchimatous abdominal organs in children
Igor Babich; Igor Olegovich Bagnovsky;
Results of thoracoscopic correction of atrial septal defect with cardiopulmonary bypass
Ikromjon Ismanovich Mukhamedov; Seitkhan Joshibayev;
Risk prediction of hypercoagulation complications after operation of portosystem bypass in patients with hepatic cirrhosis complicated by portal hypertension
Natalia Germanovna Sapronova; Eleonora Vladimirovna Svetova; Roman Nikolaevich Kantsurov; Yulia Lukash; Maria Ruslanovna Kantsurova;
Sleeve gastrectomy for morbid obesity – regional experience
Bekhan Khatsiev; Alexander Kuzminov;
Strategy for scar-prevention healing of traumatic and burns wounds
Oksana Vladimirova; Peter Lavreshin; Sergey Minaev; Alexandr Muravyev; Vitaly Olegovich Tsvetkov; Vakhtang Gobejishvili; Igor Babich; Anton Vladislavovich Terehin; Yulia Lukash;
Surgical approach in complicated cholelithiasis among the patients of senile age
Rakhimat Kurbanismailova; Rasul Medzhidov;
Valeriy Totikov; Aleksandr Shulutko; David Vladimirovich Toboev; Zaurbek Totikov; Alexander Givievich Natroshvili; Iliya Natroshvili; Enver Baychorov; Andrey Yurievich Moiseev;
Surgical topography of the arteries of the isthmus of the pancreas
Sergei Tarasenko; Pavel Tarakanov; Alexander Natalsky; Artem Pavlov; Alexey Bogomolov;
Surgical treatment of hiatal hernia by routine and laparoscopic methods
Ruslan Batyrbievich Beretar’; Ruslan Shumafovich Siyukhov; Vladimir Moiseevich Durleshter; Igor Yurievich Svechkar’; Mikhail Bykov;
Techniqu’e optimization of laparoscopic cholecystectomy in acute cholecystitis
Nikita Sheyranov; Alexander Onopriev;
Technique and prevention of postoperative complications after liver resections
Robert Mustafin; Vladimir Esin; Samvel Antonyan; Roman Rudyk; Yulia Molchanova;
The choice of the method of enterostomy in the treatment of congenital malformations and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in premature infants
Igor Nikolaevich Prisukha; Mikhail Aksel’rov; Igor Babich; Larisa Dmitrievna Belotserkovtseva; Sergey Minaev; Yulia Lukash; Yury Melnicov;
The clinical and experimental substantiation of bacteriophages and oxygenated preparation application in disseminated peritonitis complicated with enteral insufficiency
Mikhail Topchiev; Dmitriy Parshin; Misrikhan Misrikhanov; Lev Brusnev; Marat Kazbekovich Chotchaev;
The gastric resection with reconstruction surgery for complications of peptic ulcer disease in emergency surgery
Robert Mustafin; Kamalutdin Nizamutdinovich Gadzhiev; Yuri Kuchin; Samvel Antonyan; Ivan Anatolyevich Malafeev; Rail Khazisovich Ilyasov; Yulia Molchanova;
The intensive care and surgery of esophageal atresia: outcomes of treatment in the regional children’s hospital
Rustam Faridovich Mukhametshin; Nikita V. Toropov; OlgaTenyakova Gabdrakhmanova;
The interconnection acid-base blood balance and dysbiosis in children with chronic constipation
Igor Kirgizov; Sergey Minaev; Alexandr Kachanov;
The issue of significance of test for α2-macroglobulin for timely diagnosis of severity of inflammatory process in the pancreas
Victor Zurnadzhyants; Eldar Kchibekov; Alexander Kokhanov; Maksim Serdyukov; Daria Aleksashina; Oksana Lutseva;
The minimally invasive surgery in patients with chronic haemorroidal disease
Vitaliy Groshilin; Levon Mirzoev; Sergey Minaev; Vitaliy Shvetsov;
The outcomes of employing a specialized algorithm for forecasting and comprehensive prevention of purulent-destructive diseases affecting the chest wall in cardiothoracic surgery
Dmitrij Yur’evich Andreev; Arthur Aidemirov;
The postoperative recurrences of congenital diasphragmatic hernia
Irina lovskaya; Mikhail Chepurnoy; Gennady Chepurnoy; Valery Katsupeev; Boris Rosin;
The prognostic value of bactericidal/ permeability-increasing protein in infants with congenital pathology of the gastrointestinal tract
Sergey Minaev; Alesya Isaeva; Elena Tovkan; Chersi Gudiev; Sergey Timofeev; Alexandr Kachanov; Nadezhda Romaneeva;
The results of minilaparotomy in patients with acute appendicitis
Alexey Charyshkin; Maksim Yartsev;
The role of radiation navigation methods in determining surgical tactics in pathology of the periampular zone
Rasul Medzhidov; Roza Sultanova; Ahmed Gadzhievich Hasanov;
The significance of efficiently applied high jejunostoms in children’s care after small intestine resection
Mikhail Chepurnoy; Gennady Chepurnoy; Valery Katsupeev; Anaida Dadayan; Igor Babich;
The surgical tactics and the reasons of unsatisfactory results of pancreas resections in chronic pancreatitis
Vladimir Grigoryevich Lubyansky; Vasily Vladimirovich Seroshtanov; Igor Vladimirovich Arguchinsky; Andrey Gennadievich Pozhidanov;
The syndrome of «rapid decompression» of the biliary tract: prevention and treatment
Rasul Medzhidov; Roza Sultanova; Elmira Mamedova; Asli Abdulaeva;
The treatment of metabolic syndrome in patients with morbid obesity
Oleg Vladimirovich Galimov; Vladislav Olegovich Khanov; Tel’man Ramizovich Ibragimov; Kseniya Vladilenovna Nasirova; Gulnaz Ilshatovna Vagizova; Dmitrii Olegovich Galimov;
The treatment of the pulmonary hydatid cyst in the Stavropol region
Arthur Aidemirov; Sergey Minaev; Maria Fedorovna Rubanova; Alina Nikolaevna Grigorova; Igor Gerasimenko; Sergey Timofeev;
The ultrasonic way of the intraoperative assess of the resection volume of colon in children with chronic constipation
Igor Kirgizov; Sergey Minaev;
The upper neck access to the thyroid gland
Pis’mennyj Ivan Viktorovich; Igor Valeryevich Makarov; Ilya Viktorovich Pis’mennyj; Viktor Ivanovich Pis’mennyj; Roman Mikhailovich Romanov; Evgeny Petrovich Krivoshchekov; Valentina Mikhailovna Golubeva;
The use of posterior sagittal transanorectal approach (PSTRA) in the treatment of acquired recto-organ fistulas in children
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Novozhilov; Natalia Maratovna Stepanova; Denis Andreevich Zvonkov; Evgeny Mikhailovich Petrov; Anastasia Vitalievna Burmistrova; Ilya Sergeevich Plenkin; Inna Viktorovna Stalmakhovich;
The variability in clinical anatomy of the umbilic vein depending on the somatotype and optimization of transumbilical access to the portal vein system
Boris Mikhailovich Belik; Ahmed Sapraliev; Sergei Efanov; Vladislav A. Suyarko; Dmitry Vladimirovich Mareev; Mikhail Arkadyevich Oskanyan;
The ways of optimization of diagnostic and treatment program for acute adhesive obturation small bowel obstruction
Valeriy Totikov; Madina Kalitsova; Zaurbek Totikov; Vadim Medoev;
The аnalysis of complications in puncture -draining low-invasive surgery
Alexandr Bondarenko; Igor Suzdaltsev; Enver Baychorov; Valeria Demyanova; Pavel Moisev; Vladimir Korolev; Sergei Kubanov; Urii Pykhtin;
Topical diagnosis of the boundaries of necrotic segment of the small intestine in the high frequency electromagnetic fields
Victor Tarakanov; Sergey Minaev; Evgeniy Kolesnikov; Konstantin Korotkov; Valeriy Abushkevich; Evgeniy Strukovskiy; Natusya Barova;
Topographic and anatomic peculiarities of relative location of the manubrium and the body of sternum in children of primary school age
Andrey Kivva; Gennady Chepurnoy; Gurbanbay Osmanovich Byashimov; Yury Vladimirovich Tyshlek; Mikhail Chepurnoy; Yury Khoronko; Mikhail Yurievich Shtilman; Igor Chumburidze;
Toracoabdominal access in surgical treatment of congenital left-sided diaphragmal hernas
Mikhail Chepurnoy; Boris Rosin; Gennady Chepurnoy; Valery Katsupeev; Andrey Kivva; Yury Khoronko; Roman Astakhov; Maksim Kovalyov;
Treatment of patients with combined haemorrhoids by minimally invasive methods in outpatient conditions
Vasiliy Sotnikov; Sergey Katorkin; Pavel Andreev;
Treatment of umbilical granuloma in neonates
Yuri Bolotov; Sergey Minaev; Alexandr Kachanov; Fedor Doronin; Anastasia Sukhanova; Alexandra Afanasova;
Vacuum therapy for the treatment of chronic and long-term non-healing wounds in children
Natusya Barova; Sergey Minaev; Ekaterina Nikolaevna Eskina; Oksana Vladimirova; Maxim Alekseevich Stepkin; Evgeniy Strukovskiy; Alina Nikolaevna Grigorova; Victoria Nikolaevna Mashchenko;
Vitamins concentration after bariatric surgery
Natalya Bodunova; Igor Khatkov; Elena Sabelnikova; Acfold Parfenov; Rashid Askerkhanov; Elena Tkachenko; Galina Varvanina; Ilya Fyodorov; Sergey Mosin;
Сomparative assessment of surgical treatment of rectal extrasphincter anal fistula
Alexandr Muravyev; Vyacheslav Malyugin; Vladimir Linchenko; Denis Khalin;
Сomparison of prediction scales of recurrent ulcer gastroduodenal bleeding in hospital
Sergey Bystrov; Sergey Katorkin; Leonid Lichman; Oleg Lisin;