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Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Complex treatment of gluteal phlegmon and compartment syndrome

Elena Nikolaevna Byakova; Vladimir Tatyanchenko; Yuri Viktorovich Krasenkov;

In the study was to optimize the treatment strategy in patients with gluteal phlegmons through identifying of factors contributing to the disease. Analysis of the biomechanical properties of the fascial structures of the gluteal region was performed on 40 corpses using an original technique (patent for invention № 2271740). The clinical part of the study – analysis of the treatment results – was performed on 72 patients of the control (n = 34) and main (n = 38) groups. In the main group, surgical treatment was performed using the original technology (patent for invention № 2581821) taking into account the tissue pressure index.

Complex treatment of phlegmon of the gluteal region and compartment syndrome was accompanied by positive dynamics of the wound process. In the main group, the coefficient of microbial contamination reached 104CFU 3–4 days earlier, postoperative complications were 4.2 times less than in controls. Long-term (6 months) observation revealed positive results in 92.8 % of cases in the main group and in 38.9 % of the control group. Thus, the developed technology for the treatment of gluteal phlegmon and compartment syndrome is highly effective.


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Keywords: phlegmon, gluteal region, interstitial pressure, compartment syndrome, surgery

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy