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Non-invasive predictors of primary bleeding from esophageal varices in patients with decompensated cirrhosis awaiting liver transplantation
Vyacheslav Leonidovich Korobka; Yury Khoronko; Viktor Dmitrievich Pasechnikov; Inna Stremenkova; Roman Vyacheslavovich Korobka; Mikhail Vladimirovich Malevanny; Ekaterina S. Pak; Dmitry Viktorovich Pasechnikov;
Matrix metalloproteinases as a marker of cirrhotic portal vein thrombosis
Temirlan Ruslanovich Dudov; Lalita Sidykovna Baisaeva; Pavel Koroy; Alexandr Yagoda;
Netosis-forming ability of neutrophils in children with respiratory tuberculosis
Anna Mordyk; Dmitry Georgyevich Novikov; Alexander Nikolaevich Zolotov; Maria Romanova; Nikolay Aleksandrovich Kirichenko; Alexander Olegovich Ptukhin;
Analysis of complications of non-flapped breast reconstructions after mastectomy for cancer
Samvel Vladimirovich Petrosyants; Arthur Aidemirov; Denis Nikolaevich Rovenskikh; Sergey Petrovich Shevchenko; Oksana Vladimirova; Sidorov Sergei; Dmitry Vladimirovich Ivanov;
Features of the elements of the temporomandibular joint according to computed tomography in a distal relationship of dental arches during the period of constant occlusion
Mark Pavlovich Grigorenko; Elena Vakushina; Evgeny Aleksandrovich Bragin; Oxana Lezhnina; Natalia Lapina; Pavel Grigorenko; Elizaveta Lezhnina; Lolita Vitalievna Аrzumanyan;
An experimental model of superoxide dismutase a-induced sarcoidosis-like immune inflammation
Elmar Tofikovich Аblyakimov; Maxim Andreevich Kriventsov;
Cationic peptide PEP-36E is effective against carbapenem-resistant gram-negative bacteria in vitro and in vivo
Albert Bolatchiev; Vladimir Baturin; Ирина Ивановна Olshanskaya; Albert Ashotovich Vartanyan; Elizaveta Yuryevna Bolatchieva; Nikolay Didenko; Darina Muratovna Kumukova; Evgeny Eduardovich Beknazarov;
Anatomical variability of kidney arterial vasculature based on zonal and segmental topography
Edgar Sabirovich Kafarov; Ilya Sergeevich Miltykh; Andrey Viktorovich Dmitriev; Oleg Konstantinovich Zenin;
Changes in the platelet germ of hematopoiesis in type 1 diabetes mellitus in children
Anna Pavlovna Vorobyova; Jury Bykov; Vladimir Baturin;
Prevalence of BARD1 and BRIP1 gene polymorphisms contributed to the emergence of cancer among the Russian population of Central Russia
Luzhin Mukhana; Amira Ait Aissa; Abdulbari Amin Mahyup Ahmed; Аnna Arturovna Muradyan; Alina Alievna Kauk; Olga Olegovna Gigani;
Treating lower limb giant lymphedema. Clinical case
Natalia Shahnazaryan; Arthur Aidemirov; Arsen Shahnazaryan; Sofia Sergeevna Korablina; Roman Juravel;
Univentricular heart. Clinical case
Svetlana Mikhailovna Bezrodnova; Irina Georgievna Kuznetsova; Tamara Grigoryevna Drep; Maxim Sergeevich Yurchenko;
Pemphigoid gestationis: clinical observation of a rare dermatosis during pregnancy
Alexander Dubovoy; Victor Aksenenko; Natalya Vyacheslavovna Zubenko; Liliya Vyacheslavovna Khomutova; Inna Kazminа;
Local pharyngeal AL -amyloidosis with laryngeal lesion. Clinical case
Andrey Evgenievich Orlov; Oleg Igorevich Kaganov; Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Makhonin; Maria Mikhailovna Bondarenko; Magomed Gadzhievich Gadzhiev;
Erdheim – Chester histiocytosis. Clinical observation
Alexandr Yagoda; Stepan Sergeevich Oplochko; Natalia Gladkikh; Pavel Koroy; Anna Sergeevna Bataeva;
Current knowledge concerning employing cold plasma for medical purposes: potential and approaches
Kirill Pavlovich Vorobev; Alina Borisovna Zinnurova; Olga Vladimirovna Bakina; Lyudmila Viktorovna Spirina; Tatyana Vasilievna Zhavoronok;
Obesity genetics and epigenetics – vicious circles of pathogenesis and potential correction
Galina Aleksandrovna Afanaseva; Galiya Vyalitovna Gafurova; Elizaveta Evgenievna Shchetinina; Sergey Sirak; Evgeny Shchetinin;
Nonparasitic liver cysts and polycystic liver disease: an overview of minimally invasive surgical practice progress
Mihail Cherkasov; Igor Artemovich Aboyan; Boris Vladislavovich Roshak; Leonid Leonidovich Malikov; Yulia Lukash; Dmitry Igorevich Zakusilov; Sabina Gadzhievna, Melikova; Elena Alexandrovna Kizhevatova;
Current knowledge of traumatic epilepsy
Irina Vishlova; Anastasia Igorevna Raevskaya; Marina Vladimirovna Ponomareva; Markha Khamzatovna Sukisheva; Dany Bulatovich, Khurtsaev; Lyubov Valerievna Shtemberg; Olga Aleksandrovna Soboleva; Aza Beslanovna Barkinkhoeva;
New horizons in diagnosing rheumatoid arthritis: the role of protein 14-3-3
Diana Anatolyevna Vishnyak; Ekaterina Eduardovna Yustina; Anna Mikhailovna Matveeva; Lyudmila Anatolyevna Frolenkova;