Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Topical diagnosis of the boundaries of necrotic segment of the small intestine in the high frequency electromagnetic fields

[Original research] [Surgery]
Victor Tarakanov; Sergey Minaev; Evgeniy Kolesnikov; Konstantin Korotkov; Valeriy Abushkevich; Evgeniy Strukovskiy; Natusya Barova;

Experimental substantiation of the method of topical diagnosis of the boundaries of necrosis zone of the small intestine was carried out on 14 animals and the small intestine biopsy material of 14 newborns operated on for necrotizing enterocolitis. The marginal luminescence of cells in a high-frequency electromagnetic field was noted in the healthy and necrotic-altered segments of the intestine. Internal luminescence (Kirlian pholography) was found only in necrotic tissues. The proposed method of imaging in a high-frequency electromagnetic field allows to define clearly the boundaries of non-viable tissues and minimize the amount of bowel resection.


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Keywords: necrosis of small intestine, nekrotizing enterocolitis, Kirlian photography

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy