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[Original research] [Surgery]
Oleg Vladimirovich Galimov; Vladislav Olegovich Khanov; Tel’man Ramizovich Ibragimov; Kseniya Vladilenovna Nasirova; Gulnaz Ilshatovna Vagizova; Dmitrii Olegovich Galimov;
The prospective study of 35 patients aged 28 to 59 years with MO was performed. Patients underwent laparoscopic gastroplication according to the original method. The QOL of patients was studied by comparing the questionnaire results and special research methods. The achieved decrease in body weight as a result of laparoscopic gastric plication, correction of concomitant disorders in dependent organs and systems, and normalization of metabolic process indices allows us to consider the selected methods of interventions effective, and the results obtained are good. In conclusion, a laparoscopic gastroplication performed by the proposed method can improve long-term outcomes and the QOL in patients with MO after surgery.
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Keywords: bariatric surgery, gastroplication, obesity, dietology, quality of life