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The journal is included into The list of leading scientific periodicals.
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[Original research] [Surgery]
Evgeny Aleksandrovich Tseymakh; Victor Zinchenko; Olga Lavrinenko; Vladimir Chernenko; Alexander Kalashnikov; Mikhail Tseymakh; Mikhail Tseymakh; Elena Shalabod;
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cryoplasma-antienzyme therapy in the complex treatment of septic patients. A comprehensive clinical and laboratory study of 101 patients was performed. The complex treatment of the main group included a cryoplasma-antienzyme complex, and the comparison group received only traditional treatment. The effectiveness of the use of cryoplasma-antienzyme complex in the treatment of septic patients has been proven, which made it possible to restore microcirculation in purulent-necrotic foci and parenchymal organs effectively, improving their availability to antibiotics, improving treatment results and reducing mortality.
1. Rudnov V. A., Kalabukhov V. V. Sepsis-3: updated key provisions, potential problems and further practical steps. Vestnik anesteziologii i reanimatsii. – Bulletin of Anesthesiology and Resuscitation. 2016;13(4):4-11. (In Russ.).
2. Khatsko V. V., Potapov V. V., Zenin O. K. Etiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis of sepsis (literature review). Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeny. Povolzhsky region. Meditsinskiye nauki. – Volga region. Medical Sciences. 2017;3(43):139150. (In Russ.).
3. Iba T., Gando S., Saitoh D., Wada H., Di Nisio M., Thachil J. Antithrombin supplementation and risk of bleeding in patients with sepsis-associated disseminated intravascular coagulation. Thromb. Res. 2016;145:46-50.
4. Gomanova L. I., Fokina M. A. Modern ideas about pathogenetic mechanisms of septic shock. Elektronnoye nauchnoye izdaniye Almanakh Prostranstvo i Vremya. – Electronic scientific publication Almanac Space and Time. 2018;16(3- 4):120-131. (In Russ.).
5. Morozov V. N., Smooth P. G., Khadartsev K. A. Disseminated intravascular blood clotting (review of the literature). Vestnik novykh meditsinskikh tekhnology. – Bulletin of New Medical Technologies. 2016;1:241-252. (In Russ.).
6. Vengerov Y. Y., Nagibina M. V., Ugrinova A. P., Safonov A. P., Matosova S. V. [et al.]. Sepsis. Analysis of modern contraception. Infektsionnye bolezni: novosti, mneniya, obucheniye. – Infectious diseases: news, opinions, training. 2016;1(14):119-127. (In Russ.).
Keywords: cryoplasma-antienzyme complex, sepsis, therapy, phlegmon