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Sharip Omaraskhabovich Darbishgadzhiev; Denis Vladimirovich Vikhrev; Anatoly Afanasevich Baulin; Oleg Igorevich Kaganov; Vyacheslav Gudoshnikov; Sergey Alexandrovich Nikishin;
The failure of colonic anastomoses remains a severe and common complication after the restoration of the naturalness of the digestive tract. The aim of the research was to study the main risk factors for the development and working out a scale for predicting the failure of colonic anastomoses in the treatment of colorectal cancer. The study included 418 patients with resection of the left half of the colon and rectum and subsequent restoration of the continuity of the intestinal tube. After binary regression analysis, 6 predictors were included in the prognostic model: preoperative radiation therapy, the level of anastomosis formation, hemoglobin concentration in the blood less than 90 g/l, albumin content in the blood less than 27 g/l, combined and simultaneous interventions, the duration of the operation more than 140 minutes. The value of the correct classifications was 92.6 %, which reflects the good predictive ability of the proposed scale.
1. Kit O. I., Soldatkina N. V., Novikova I. A., Gusareva M. A., Al-Haj N. K. [et al.]. Differentiated approach to prolonged neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy in complex treatment of rectal cancer. Meditsinskii vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. – Medical News of North Caucasus. 2020;15(1):91-94. (In Russ.).
2. Nechai I. A. Functional results of the abdominal-anal resection of the rectum for rectal cancer. Meditsinskii vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. – Medical News of North Caucasus. 2019;14(1.1):5-8. (In Russ.).
3. Darbishgadjiev Sh. O., Baulin A. A., Zimin Yu. I., Baulin V. A., Baulina O. A. Results of surgical treatment of colorectal cancer. Zdorovye i obrazovaniye v XXI veke. – Health and Education in the XXI Century. 2018;20(4):42-46. (In Russ.).
4. Januskevics S. V., Januskevics V. Y. Protection of an anastomosis in rectal cancer surgery. Novosti Khirurgii. – Surgery news. 2017;25(4):412-420. (In Russ.).
5. Bostrom P., Haapamaki M. M., Matthiessen P., Ljung R., Rutegard J., Rutegard M. High arterial ligation and risk of anastomotic leakage in anterior resection for rectal cancer in patients with increased cardiovascular risk. Colorectal Dis. 2015;17(11):1018-1027.
6. Rencuzogullari A., Benlice C., Valente M., Abbas M. A., Remzi F. H., Gorgun E. Predictors of anastomotic leak in elderly patients after colectomy: nomogram-based assessment from the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Program Procedure – Targeted Cohort. Dis. Colon Rect. 2017;60(5):527-536.
7. Zhang W., Lou Z., Liu Q., Meng R., Gong H. [et al.]. Multicenter analysis of risk factors for anastomotic leakage after middle and low rectal cancer resection without diverting stoma: a retrospective study of 319 consecutive patients. Int. J. Colorectal. Dis. 2017;32(10):1431-1437.
8. Darbishgadjiev Sh. O., Baulin A. A., Ivacheva N. A., Kalentev V. V., Baulina N. V. The role of colorectal anastomosis level formation in its failure and ways to improve the results of surgical treatment of colorectal cancer. Vestnik novykh meditsinskikh tekhnology. – J. New Medical Technologies.2020;1:21-25. (In Russ.).
9. Zaharie F., Mocan L., Tomuş C., Mocan T., Zaharie R. [et al.]. Risk factors for anastomotic leakage following colorectal resection for cancer. Chirurgia (Bucur). 2012;107(1):27-32.
10. Park J. S., Huh J. W., Park Y. A., Cho Y. B., Yun S. H. [et al.]. Risk factors of anastomotic leakage and long-term survival after colorectal surgery. Medicine(Baltimore). 2016;95(8):e2890.
11. Rybakov E., Shelygin Y., Tarasov M., Sukhina M., Zarodniuk I. [et al.]. Risk factors and inflammatory predictors for anastomotic leakage following total mesorectal excision with defunctioning stoma. Polish J. Surg. 2018;90(3):31-36.
12. Darbishgadjiev Sh. O., Baulin A. A., Gudoshnikov V. Yu., Zimin Yu. I., Baulin V. A. The preventive loop colostomy in colon cancer surgery. Vestnik eksperimentalnoy i klinicheskoy khirurgii. – Journal of experimental and clinical surgery. 2020;13(2):93-97. (In Russ.).
Keywords: failure of anastomose, forecasting, risk factors, colon anastomose, rectum resection, resection of the left part of the colon