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Asthma symptoms in children with connective tissue disorders: clinical features, complications
Zoya Nesterenko;
Clinical efficacy of energotropic therapy in children with chronic fatigue syndrome in case of connective tissue dysplasia
Marina Baedilova; Svetlana Lebed’kova; Vladimir Sumenko; Anton Roschupkin; Victor Suhorukov; Oksana Trusova; Galina Evstifeeva; Tatyana Ignatova;
Family manifestations of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia syndrome and associated somatic pathology
Angelina Kalmykova; Natalia Fedko; Natalya Zarytovskaya; Victoriya Kalmykova;
On the mechanisms of progression of congenital developmental anomalies of urinari organs on the background of connective tissue displasia
Aneta Mambetova; Alla Inarokova; Nina Shabalova; Suleya Barazbieva;
Parameters of ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs and kidneys in children and adolescents with connective tissue dysplasia
Vladimir Sumenko; Svetlana Lebed’kova; Oksana Trusova; Adelya Klimova; Anton Roschupkin; Arina Savateevа;
Peculiarities of diabetes mellitus type 1 in children and adolescents against the background of connective tissue dysplasia
Irina Alimova; Natalia Pashinskaya; Tatyana Pleskachevskaja;
Role of connective tissue dysplasia in the development of arrhythmogenic complications in children with idiopathic ekstrasistoly
Sergey Gnusaev; Natalia Konopko;
The sequence of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract in children with connective tissue dysplasia
Irina Ivanova; Svetlana Kosareva;
Сardiac arrhythmia in children with connective tissue dysplasia: clinical and hemodynamic characteristics
Marina Galaktionova; Dmitry Maiseenko;