Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
Federal service for surveillance over non-violation of the legislation in the sphere of mass communications and protection of cultural heritage.
ISSN 2073-8137

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[Abstracts] [Anesthesiology] [Anniversary] [Balneology] [Clinical Pharmacology] [Clinical recommendations] [Connective tissue dysplasia] [CTD in adults] [CTD in pediatrics] [Cystic fibrosis] [Dermatology] [Discussion] [Draft Russian recommendations] [Editorial] [Editorial] [Experimental medicine] [Gerontology] [History of medicine] [Hygiene] [Infectious diseases] [Internal diseases] [Lecture] [Lecture. Clinical decisions support] [Letter to the editor] [Medical aspects of adjacent subjects] [Medical education] [Morphology] [Neurology] [Notes from practice] [Notes from practice] [Obituary] [Obstetrios and gynecology] [Oncology] [Ophtalmology] [Original research] [Orthopedics and traumatology] [Otorhinolaryngology] [Pediatrics] [Pediatrics] [Pharmacology] [Pharmacy] [Psychiatry] [Public health and health care] [Reviews] [Scientific medical schools] [Social medicine and public health service] [Stomatology] [Surgery] [Surgery] [Surgery aspects of CTD] [T h e r a p y] [title] [title] [title] [To medical phactitioner] [Tuberculosis] [Urology]


Abdominal tuberculosis: complex diagnostics of tuberculous enterocolitis
Mikhail Nikolaevich Reshetnikov; Plotkin Dmitry; Mikhail Valerievich Sinitsyn; Marina Valerievna Kalinina; Yulia Rashidovna Zyuzya; Tamila Ismailovna Abu Arkub;

Assessment of the influence of nature of tubercular process on the outcome of the stationary stage of treatment at patients with the combination of tuberculosis and HIV-infection
Anna Mordyk; Svetlana Sitnikova; Larisa Puzyreva; Natalia Rusanova; Larisa Zhigalova;

Quantitative approach in the diagnosis of lesions of the osteo -articular system at tuberculous spondylitis
Yulia Tsybulskaya; Roman Stavitskiy; Irina Lebedenko; Sergey Smerdin; Irina Shutihina;

The impact of rational formation of risk groups on the epidemic trends of genitourinary tuberculosis at Stavropol territory
Ruslan Urtenov; Larisa Tarasenko; Vladimir Vysheslavtsev; Vyacheslav Chebotarev; Marat Askhakov;

Tuberculosis and COPD: the problem of comorbidity
Natalia Bagisheva; Anna Mordyk; Olga Ivanova; Tatiana Batishcheva;

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy