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The journal is included into The list of leading scientific periodicals.
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Stanislav Pyatakov; Vladimir Bensman; Alexandr Baryshev; Sergey Bardin; Frol Bogdanov; Alexey Bulatov; Igor Suzdaltsev;
A comparative assessment of the original method of dosed stretching to close skin and soft tissue defects of upper limb in comparison with traditional approaches has been made. in the area of the upper limb with respect to traditional methods of treatment. The objects were 62 patients with skin and soft tissue defects of the upper limb; standard treatment approach was applied to 34 patients, 28 – by the method of dosed tissue stretching. The high clinical effect of the proposed method has been proven Reduction of wound decontamination period, of local and general complications occurrence, reduction of the treatment duration and wound healing period, as well as an improvement in the level of medical and social rehabilitation of patients were specified.
1. Bensman V. M., Pyatakov S. N., Savchenko Y. P., Elozo V. P., Agadzhanyan D. Z. Treatment of extensive wound defects in the area of a vascular bundle on the extremities. А.S. 7 MPK A 61 В 17/00, 17/56 dd. 01.2009.
2. Beschastnov V. V., Orlinskaya N. Yu., Kudykin M. N. Novosti khirurgii. – Surgery News. 2012(2):55-59.
3. Gostishchev V. K., Lipatov K. V., Komarova E. A., Kho B. O., Marakutsa E. V. Khirurgiya. – Surgery. 2009(12):19-24.
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6. Izmajlov S. G., Beschastnov V. V. Vestnik khirurgii imeni I. I. Grekova. – Herald of surgery n. a. I. I. Grekov. 2000(2):66-70.
7. Pasichny D. A. Mezhdunarodny meditsinsky zhurnal. – The International Medical Journal. 2007;13(3):71-76.
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9. Huang X., Qu X., Li Q. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 2011;128(3):787-797.
10. Kirschke J., Georgas D., Sand M., Bechara F. G. J. Cutan. Med. Surg. 2013;17(6):423-425.
Keywords: skin defect, dosed stretching, upper limb, wound closure