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of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
Federal service for surveillance over non-violation of the legislation in the sphere of mass communications and protection of cultural heritage.
ISSN 2073-8137

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The use of posterior sagittal transanorectal approach (PSTRA) in the treatment of acquired recto-organ fistulas in children

[Original research] [Surgery]
Vladimir Aleksandrovich Novozhilov; Natalia Maratovna Stepanova; Denis Andreevich Zvonkov; Evgeny Mikhailovich Petrov; Anastasia Vitalievna Burmistrova; Ilya Sergeevich Plenkin; Inna Viktorovna Stalmakhovich;

The article presents a retrospective analysis of the surgical correction of acquired recto-organ fistulas after surgery on the rectum for various diseases (Hirschsprung’s disease, vaginal rhabdomyosarcoma) that was performed using the posterior sagittal transanorectal approach (PSTRA). Based on the example of various clinical cases, it has been shown that the use of the PSTRA allows to obtain a wide view of the pelvic organs, which is especially actually during repeated operations in this anatomical region, helping to avoid damage to structures that can intimate and tightly adjoin each other in conditions of cicatricial changes in tissues.


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Keywords: PSTRA, posterior transanorectal approach, acquired recto-organ fistulas, acquired rectovaginal fistula, acquired rectourethral fistula, Hirschsprung disease

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy