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[Original research] [Surgery]
Azamat Shamsiev; Jamshid Shamsiev; Jasur Aslidinovich Ruziev; Abdukodir Kamalbayevich Shakhriev; Zafar Mamadzhanovich Makhmudov;
An analysis was made of 1355 children with a suspected foreign body of the respiratory tract (FB RT), treated in the 2nd clinic of the Samarkand Medical Institute over the past 20 years. Of these patients, 948 patients were diagnosed and were divided into two subgroups according to the method of treatment. In the first subgroup of 478 patients with FB RT, from 2000 to 2009, the removal of FB was performed using rigid bronchoscopy. In the second subgroup of 470 patients treated from 2010 to 2019, the removal of FB was conducted by video bronchoscopy. The use of video bronchoscopy contributed to a clear visualization of all departments of the AP RT, made it possible to easily and quickly remove the latter, significantly improved the course of the post-bronchoscopy period, and reduced the development of late complications.
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2. Boufersaoui A., Smati L., Benhalla K. N., Boukari R., Smail S. [et al.] Foreign body aspiration in children: experience from 2624 patients. Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 2013;77(10):1683-1688.
3. Qiu W., Wu L., Chen Z. Foreign body aspiration in children with negative multi-detector Computed Tomography results: Own experience during 2011–2018. Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 2019;124:90-93.
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5. Rusetsky Y. Y., Spiranskaya O. A., Chernyshenko I. O. Foreign bodies at the lower respiratory tract in children: contemporary diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Journal of Pediatrics. 2015;94(4):30-35.
6. Shamsiev J. A., Ruziev J. A., Zayniev S. S., Isakov A. M. Inorodnie tela dixatel’nix putey u detey. Science and practice: implementation to modern society. 2020:378-383.
7. Ding G., Wu B., Vinturache A,, Cai C., Lu M. [et al.] Tracheobronchial foreign body aspiration in children: A retrospective single-center cross-sectional study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2020;99(22):e20480.
8. Huankang Z., Kuanlin X., Xiaolin H., Witt D. Comparison between tracheal foreign body and bronchial foreign body: a review of 1,007 cases. Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 2012;76(12):1719-25.
9. Cutrone C., Pedruzzi B., Tava G., Emanuelli E., Barion U. [et al.] The complimentary role of diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in foreign body aspiration in children. Int. J. Pediatr. Otorhinolaryngol. 2011;75(12):1481-1485.
10. Kuchmayeva T. B., Shcheglov V. V. The role of bronchoscopy in the differential diagnosis of bronchial obstruction syndrome. Medical News of North Caucasus. 2014;9(4):384-386.
11. Dongol K., Neupane Y., Das Dutta H., Raj Gyawali B., Kharel B. Prevalence of Foreign Body Aspiration in Children in a Tertiary Care Hospital. JNMA J. Nepal Med. Assoc. 2021;59(234):111-115.
12. Babich I. I., Bagnovskii I. O. Results of the clinical use of a new method for surgical treatment of weapon injuries of parenchimatous abdominal organs in children. Medical News of North Caucasus. 2019;14(4):606-609.
13. Mustafayev J. M. O., Svistushkin V. M. Unusual foreign bodies of the respiratory tract. Russian Sklifosovsky Journal of Emergency medical care. 2012;(3):72-74.
14. Drobyazgin E. A., Anikina M. S., Sudovykh I. E., Chikinev Yu. V., Arkhipov D. A. Endoscopic techniques in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric patients with foreign bodies of the lower respiratory tract. Endoscopic Surgery. 2020;26(2):13-18.
Keywords: foreign body, respiratory tract, children, video bronchoscopy