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[Original research] [Surgery]
Alexandr Muravyev; Vyacheslav Malyugin; Vladimir Linchenko; Denis Khalin;
Objective: Development of a new surgical method of treatment of patients with rectal extrasphincter anal fistula.
Material and Methods: We analyzed the immediate and long-term outcomes of 128 patients with this disorder who underwent surgical treatment: with ligature method (I group), plastic methods of Jad-Roble, Blinichev (II group) and the proposed method (III group).
Results: In Group I we received 45.5 % of unsatisfactory results (sphincter deficiency) in the second group – 33.9 % (relapses), in Group III unsatisfactory result was recorded in one case – 2.8 %.
Conclusion. The developed method of mucous membrane transfer using the drug «Tachocomb» for the treatment of extrasphincter anal fistula helped to reduce the number of relapses to 5.6 % and did not lead to the occurrence of anal disease.
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Keywords: extrasphincter anal fistula, Tachocomb, perianal area, rectum