Medical news
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Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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Actinomycosis in coloproctology

Alexandr Muravyev; Peter Chumakov; Roman Juravel; Konstantin Muravyov; Oksana Vladimirova; Sofia Korablina;

Actinomycosis is a specific chronic infectious disease. Currently, actinomycosis common in about 6.0–7.5 % of patients with inflammatory diseases of pararectal and gluteal areas. There are only a few scientific articles describing the observations of visceral actinomycosis in clinical cases. Descriptions of sacrococcygeal and perianalarea actinomycosis are practically does not occur. The results of examination and treatment the 54 patients with actinomycosis of sacrococcygeal and perianal areas were analyzed. Complex of therapeutic measures for this patients allows for recovery in 95 % of cases and good functional results were taken. Also, we reduced the duration of patient stay in hospital.


1. Burova S. A. Surgical treatment of actinomycosis. Advances Medical Mycology. 2004;10:246-247.
2. Kostinin I. D. Comprehensive treatment of actinomycosis of the maxillofacial region correction immunogenesis [dissertation]. M;1985.
3. Mirzabalaeva A. K. Clinical variants of complicated. Advances in medical mycology. 2004;10:250-252.
4. Muraviev A. V. Kompleksnoye lecheniye aktinomikoza kresttsovo-kopchikovoy i perianalnoy oblastey. Meditsinsky vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. – Medical News of the North Caucasus. 2012;1(25):35-38.
5. Muraviev A. V. Aktinomikoz kresttsovo-kopchikovoy i perianalnoy oblastey. Coloproctology. – Koloproctologiya. 2008;1(23):19-23.
6. Suteev G. O. Actinomycosis. 1951. 304 р.
7. Halin D. A. Actinomycosis of sacrococcygeal and perianal area [dissertation]. Stavropol; 2007.
8. Acevedo F., Baudrand R., Letelier L. M. Actinomycosis: a great pretender. Case reports of unusual presentations and a review of the literature Int J. Infect Dis. 2007;12:43-48.
9. Bauer P., Sultan S., Atienza P. Perianal actinomycosis: diagnostic and management considerations: a review of six cases. Gastroenterol. Clin. Biol. 2006;30:29-32.
10. Gayraud A., Grosieux-Dauger C., Durlach A. Cutaneous actinomycosis in the perianal area and buttocks. Ann. Dermatol Venereol. 2000;127:393-396.
11. Hall V. Actinomyces. Gathering evidence of human colonization and infection. Anaerobe. 2008;14(1):1-7.
12. Starska K., Lukomski M., Lewy-Trenda I. Palatine tonsils colonization with actinomyces species during chronic tonsillit. Otolaryngol. Pol. 2006;60:829-833.

Keywords: actinomycosis, рerianal area, sacrococcygeal region, treatment, immunotherapy

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy