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Natalia Germanovna Sapronova; Eleonora Vladimirovna Svetova; Roman Nikolaevich Kantsurov; Yulia Lukash; Maria Ruslanovna Kantsurova;
In recent years, more and more data have appeared in the literature on the presence of hypercoagulable syndrome in patients with cirrhosis of the liver, the diagnosis of which has its own peculiarities. The need for in-depth study of hemostasis in such patients is due to their risk of developing post-operative thrombotic complications that are life-threatening in nature. All known methods and ways of predicting and assessing the severity of patients with cirrhosis are aimed at assessing the degree of hepatic insufficiency and the risk of bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach. In order to improve the postoperative prognosis, we developed a method for predicting the risk of hypercoagulable complications (Patent of the Russian Federation for invention № 2665118), based on the analysis of a set of specific data. The clinical material includes 31 patients with cirrhosis of the liver of a viral etiology complicated by portal hypertension, who underwent the TIPS. The proposed method made it possible to distribute patients to risk groups in order to determine the indications for the timely prescription of a preventive course of drug therapy.
1. Vinnickaya E. V., Kiseleva A. V. Alcoholic liver disease in the practice of the therapist. Effektivnaya farmakoterapiya. – Effective pharmacotherapy. 2014;(7):18-24. (In Russ.).
2. Bilalova A. V., Makashova V. V., Shipulin G. A. Clinical and biochemical features of liver cirrhosis of various genesis. Arhiv vnutrennej mediciny. – Archive of internal medicine. 2016;3(29):59-67. (In Russ.).
3. Kotelnikova L. P., Muhamadeev I. S., Burnyshev I. G., Stepanov R. A., Fedachuk N. N. Results of surgical treatment of complications of portal hypertension. Novosti hirurgii. – Surgery news. 2014;22(4):436-442. (In Russ.).
4. Khoronko Y. V., Kozyrevskiy M. A., Kosovtsev E. V., Kulikovskikh Y. V. Modern capabilities of minimally invasive surgery for treatment of portal hypertension caused by cirrhosis (clinical case). Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya. – Modern problems of science and education.2018;1:55. (In Russ.).
5. Svetova E. V., Sapronova N. G., Katelnitsky I. I. The possibilities of helping patier with cirrhosis of the liver complicated by portal hypertension. Medicinskij vestnik Yuga Rossii. – The medical bulletin of the South of Russia. 2018;9(1):616. (In Russ.).
6. Shatokhin Yu. V., Shlyk I. F., Snezhko I. V., Shatokhina O. N., Prostov I. I. [et al.]. Novyi metod issledovaniya gemostaza – Trombodinamika (obzor literatury).Optimizacyja diagnostiki i lecheniya zabolevanij sistemy krovi: materialy mezhregionalnoj nauchno-practicheskoj konferencii gematologov c mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. Rostov-na-Dony: RostGMU, 2017. Available at: Accessed September 24, 2018. (In Russ.).
7. Shutova O. M., Aleksahina E. L., Tomilova I. K. Laboratornye metody diagnostiki narushenij v sisteme koagulacionnogo gemostaza (Obzor literatury). XIII oblastnoj festival «Molodye ychenye – razvitiu Ivanovskoj oblasti»: materialy XIII Vserossijskoj obrazovatelno-nauchnoj konferencii studentov I molodyh uchenyh s megdunarodnym ychastiem. Ivanovo: 2017. Available at: Accessed September 24, 2018. (In Russ.).
Keywords: transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting, cirrhosis, portal hypertension, thrombodynamics, hemostasis