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[Original research] [Surgery]
Tatyana Pinchuk; Oleg Olegovich Yasnogorodsky; Aleksandr Shulutko; Vadim Mochalov; Mikhail Taldykin; Alexander Naryshkin; Anastasia Sedova; Natalya Savelyeva;
The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of lung abscesses (LA). The results of endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of 56 patients with LA were evaluated. Diagnostic bronchoscopy was performed after X-ray study. Endoscopic treatment was performed jointly with LA complex therapy and regular sanations. It included endolymphatic antibiotic injection, transbronchial punctures and LA drainage. All patients underwent transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB). Diagnostic bronchoscopy revealed tumors of the bronchi and pharynx in 3.6 % of patients. TBLB found tumor and pulmonary tuberculosis in 10.3 %. TBLB showed 47.9 % LA as chronic, and 41.6 % – as acute. Full scarring of the pus cavity was achieved in 18 of 49 patients (36.7 %), and the rest formed a false cyst. Procedure-related complications occurred in 3 patients (6.3 %) during TBLB: 1 case of pneumothorax and 2 cases of bleeding. Endoscopic treatment of LA – sanitations, endolymphatic antibiotic injection and bronchoscopic drainage were effective in all cases. The method is technically feasible in 92.9 % of patients.
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4. Zhang J. H., Yang S. M., How C. H., Ciou Y. F. Surgical management of lung abscess: from open drainage to pulmonary resection J. Visual. Surg. 2018;4:224.
5. Shoykhet Ya. N., Roshchev I. P., Zaremba S. V., Syzdykbaev M. K., Ustinov V. G. Treatment of acute lung abscesses without. Hirurgija. Zhurnal im. N. I. Pirogova. – Pirogov Journal of Surgery. 2012;9:55-59. (In Russ.).
6. Yazbeck M. F., Dahdel M., Kalra A., Browne A S., Pratter M. R. Lung abscess: update on microbiology and management. Am. J. Ther. 2014;21(3):217-221.
7. Marra A., Hillejan L., Ukena D. Management of Lung Abscess. Zentralbl. Chir. 2015;140:47-53.
8. Katsenos S., Psathakis K., Chatzivasiloglou F., Antonogiannaki E M., Psara A., Tsintiris K. Bronchoscopic drainage of a malignant lung abscess. J. Bronchol. Interv. Pulmonol. 2015;22(2):148-51.
9. Shoykhet J. N., Syzdykbaev M. K., Kurtukov V. A., Kapitulin S. Yu. Selective transtracheal bronchial catheterization in the treatment of acute abscesses and lung gangrene. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija. – Modern problems of science and education. 2014;3. (In Russ.).
10. Unterman A., Fruchter O., Rosengarten D., Izhakian S., Abdel-Rahman N. [et al.]. Bronchoscopic drainage of lung abscesses using a pigtail catheter. Respiration.
Keywords: bronchoscopy, lung abscess, transbronchial lung biopsy, bronchoscopic drainage, radiology