Medical news
of the North Caucasus
Scientific journal
Mass media registration certificate dated December 7, 2006.
Series ПИ #ФС 77-26521.
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ISSN 2073-8137

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The issue of significance of test for α2-macroglobulin for timely diagnosis of severity of inflammatory process in the pancreas

Victor Zurnadzhyants; Eldar Kchibekov; Alexander Kokhanov; Maksim Serdyukov; Daria Aleksashina; Oksana Lutseva;

We observed 92 patients with a diagnosis of acute pancreatitis, 74 of whom received conservative treatment and 18 patients with destructive forms of acute pancreatitis were operated because of severity of their condition. We investigated serum samples of these patients on alpha2-macroglobulin. The results of the research are processed with the methods of variation statistics and ROC-analysis.
In the blood serum of all patients a significant decrease in the level of alpha2-macroglobulin was recorded, compared not only to healthy donors but also between the groups of patients with edematous and destructive forms of acute pancreatitis. The threshold values of the MG level in the control and study groups were determined as well as the diagnostic informativeness, sensitivity and specificity of the test for the timely diagnosis of MG destructive forms of acute pancreatitis.
Determination of the threshold values of the α2-macroglobulin in the serum of patients with acute pancreatitis on admission to hospital, both men and women, allows to clarify timely the diagnosis of destructive pancreatitis and to determine treatment strategy.


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Keywords: acute pancreatitis, alpha2-macroglobulin

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy