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Rectovaginal fistulas. Is there an optimal method of surgical treatment?

[Original research] [Surgery]
Alexandr Muravyev; Ashkhen Shagenovna Galstian; Peter Lavreshin; Sergey Minaev; Roman Juravel; Dmitrii Overchenko; Oleg Lysenko; Sofia Sergeevna Korablina;

Rectovaginal fistulas belong to a rather rare pathology, accounting for about 3 % of all coloproctological diseases and 5 % of all rectal fistulas. This pathology causes significant physical and psychosocial stress in patients. Currently, more than 100 modifications of operations are described in Russian and foreign literature, but the number of relapses remains at a high level. The choice of the surgical treatment method this type of fistula is influenced by several factors: the height of the location, the diameter of the fistula, the thickness of the rectovaginal septum, the causes of formation and others.

The surgical treatment was performed in 100 patients (from 18 to 72 years old) with rectovaginal fistulas in the period from 1979 to 2021. Depending on the factors of fistula formation and its location, all patients were divided into 4 groups, in each group the different method of surgical treatment were applied. Analysis of the investigation results showed the only a personalized approach to the treatment of rectovaginal fistulas can improve the outcome, especially in the reduction of the relapses.


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Keywords: rectovaginal fistula, treatment, results

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy