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The journal is included into The list of leading scientific periodicals.
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[Original research] [Surgery]
Vladimir Baturin; Vasiliy Fisher; Sergey Sergeev; Ivan Yatsuk;
The study was performed to investigate the concentration of the ionized calcium and magnesium in red blood cells of patients after oral surgery. The intracellular concentration of calcium and magnesium was measured using cytochemical analysis before surgery, immediately after and also three and five days later. Immediately after the surgery the above levels were raised in comparison with preoperative period. However in the early postoperative period magnesium levels began to decline, and the calcium content in erythrocytes continued to grow. In five days magnesium concentration in red blood cells went back to the starting point, but calcium amount kept raising level. The quantity of the circulating endothelium cells in blood of operated patients was progressively growing during post-operative period until the maximal level on the 5th day.
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Keywords: operative stress, intracellular calcium, intracellular magnesium, endothelial cells