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The clinical and experimental substantiation of bacteriophages and oxygenated preparation application in disseminated peritonitis complicated with enteral insufficiency

[Original research] [Surgery]
Mikhail Topchiev; Dmitriy Parshin; Misrikhan Misrikhanov; Lev Brusnev; Marat Kazbekovich Chotchaev;

The aim of the study was to investigate the enteral pathobiome and to experimentally substantiate the differentiated use of PT and OD in vitro in AEI. There are 348 bacterial cultures were taken from 116 patients with various stages of AEI (I, II and III) an 2436 isolates of pathogens were isolated. Isolates of Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp. were triggered in groups I and II, and in group III Klebsiella spp. and Acinetobacter (p<0.05). The use of SF showed good efficiency in AEI I and II Art. The use of BKPP turned out to be effective in AEI III Art. The combined use of polyvalent bacteriophages and OD increased lytic activity in all groups and series of the in vitro experiment. The conducted clinical and experimental study justifies the use of phage therapy in the treatment of the AEI syndrome against the background of WP.


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Keywords: phage therapy, polyvalent bacteriophages, acute enteral failure, widespread peritonitis, enteral pathobiome, oxygenated drugs

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy