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Alexey Sergeev; Dmitry Mokhov; Alexey Sergeev; Artem Mikhailovich Morozov;
In this study, the possibilities of using of electrical impedancemetry to assess the course of the wound process in the postoperative period are examined. Local inflammatory phenomena in the area of surgical intervention, as well as their degree of severity, were assessed by recording the galvanic skin reaction of the edges of the postoperative wound. The complex biological activity of the suture materials was realized in the reduction of the inflammatory-exudative process in the postoperative wound, which determines the favorable outcome of the surgical treatment. Thus, to monitor the course of the inflammatory process in the area of a postoperative wound that heals by primary intention, the method of electrical impedance measurement can be recommended.
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2. Lutsevitch O. E., Shirinsky V. G., Shekhter A. B., Tolstykh M. P., Gallyamov E. A. [et al.]. The wound healing stimulation. Hirurgija. Zhurnal im. N. I. Pirogova. – Surgery. Journal. N. I. Pirogov. 2008;6:6-10. (In Russ.).
3. Sergeev N. A., Shestakov M. S., Grishakov P. I., Fomina E. D. Cytological evaluation of trophic ulcer healing in lower extremities. Morfologija. – Morphology. 2016;149(3):187. (In Russ.).
4. Mokhov E. M., Homullo G. V., Sergeev A. N., Alexandrov I. V. Experimental development of new surgical suturing materials with complex biological activities. Bjulleten’ jeksperimental’noj biologii i mediciny. – Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. 2012;3(153):409-413. (In Russ.).
5. Gazivoda D., Pelemiš D., Vujašković G., Djurdjević S. Influence of suturing material on wound healing – An experimental study on dogs. Vojnosanit Pregl. 2015;72(5):397-404. Available at: Accessed October 20, 2019.
6. Sergeev N. A., Shestakov M. S., Fomina E. D. The Influence of Diffent Types of Low-intensive Laser Radiation to Healing of Venous Trophic Ulcers in Lower Extremities. Vestnik jeksperimental’noj i klinicheskoj hirurgii. – Journal of experimental and clinical surgery. 2018;11(1):46-50. (In Russ.).
7. Cheng K., Li J., Kong Q., Wang C. Risk factors for surgical site infection in a teaching hospital: a prospective study of 1,138 patients. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2015;9:1171-1177.
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10. Zebala L. P., Chuntarapas T., Kelly M. P. Intrawound vancomycin powder eradicates surgical wound contamination: an in vivo rabbit study. J. Bone Joint Surg. Am. 2014;96(1):46-51.
11. Mohov E. M., Bazhenov D. V., Sergeev A. N. Peculiarities of regeneration of experimental wounds closed with biologically active suture materials. Morfologija. – Morphology. 2016;149(3):144. (In Russ.).
12. Justinger C., Moussavian M. R., Schlueter C., Kopp B. Antibacterial coating of abdominal closure sutures and wound infection. Surgery. 2009;145(3):330-334.
13. Izmajlov S. G., Bodrov A. A., Lazarev V. M., Trifonov R. V. Ultrasonic method for monitoring the course of the wound process in the anterior abdominal wall. Hirurgija. Zhurnal im. N. I. Pirogova. – Surgery. Journal. N. I. Pirogov. 2002;6:41-45. (In Russ.).
Keywords: electrical impedancemetry, postoperative wound, wound healing process, suture material