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Andrey Andreevich Bondarenko; Vladimir Esin; Robert Mustafin; Vladimir Vladimirovich Kutukov;
The results of performing anatomical liver resections in colorectal cancer metastases simultaneously with colon resection in 42 patients were analyzed. Duration of surgery, volume of blood loss, postoperative complications were evaluated. Based on this experience, it was found that liver resections performed simultaneously with lesions of the colon are not accompanied by a significant increase in the risk of intra- and postoperative complications, whereas in order to resolve the issue of a single-stage operation on the liver with lesions of the rectum, the situation requires an individual assessment.
1. Aliyev V. A., Barsukov Y. А., Nikolaev A. V. Colorectal cancer with synchronous distant metastases: justification of cytoreductive operations and prospects-surgeon’s view. Tazovaya khirurgiya i onkologiya. – Pelvic Surgery and Oncology. 2012;(4):15-20. (In Russ.).
2. Vozdvizhensky M. O., Dudko S. M. Modern approaches to resection of liver metastases in colorectal cancer. Vestnik Rossyskoy voyenno-meditsinskoy akademii. – Russian Military Medical Academy. 2012;1(37):291-295. (In Russ.).
3. Tur G. E., Tur A. G., Rolevich I. I. Immediate results of operations for colorectal cancer with multiple liver metastases. Koloproktologiya. – Coloproctology. 2014;(53):80-81. (In Russ.).
4. Fukami Y., Kaneoka Y., Maeda A., Takayama Y., Onoe S., Isogai M. Simultaneous resection for colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases. Surg. Today. 2016;46(2):176-182.
5. Ponomarenko A. A., Shelygin Yu. A., Rybakov E. G., Kashnikov V. N., Frolov S. A. [et al.]. A meta-analysis of the results of simultaneous and staged operations in patients with synchronous metastases of colorectal cancer in the liver. Koloproktologiya. – Coloproctology. 2017;3 (61):6-21. (In Russ.).
6. Bonney G. K., Coldham C., Adam R., Kaiser G., Barroso E. [et al.]. Role of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in resectable synchronous colorectal liver metastasis; An international multi-center data analysis using Liver Met Survey. J. Surg. Oncol. 2015;111(6):716-724.
7. Silberhumer G. R., Paty P. B., Denton B., Guillem J., Gonen M. [et al.]. Long-term oncologic outcomes for simultaneous resection of synchronous metastatic liver and primary colorectal cancer. Surgery. 2016;160(1):67-73.
8. Ejaz A., Semenov E., Spolverato G., Kim Y., Tanner D. [et al.]. Synchronous primary colorectal and liver metastasis: impact of operative approach on clinical outcomes and hospital charges. HPB (Oxford). 2014;16(12):1117-1126.
9. Network N. C. C. Color Cancer (Version 2.2017). 2017.
10. Muangkaew P., Cho J. Y., Han H. S., Yoon Y. S., Choi Y. R. [et al.]. Outcomes of Simultaneous Major Liver Resection and Colorectal Surgery for Colorectal Liver Metastases. J. Gastrointest. Surg. 2016;20(3):554-563.
11. Fretland A. A., Dagenborg V. J., Bjornelv G. M. W., Kazaryan A. M., Kristiansen R. [et al.]. Laparoscopic Versus Open Resection for Colorectal Liver Metastases: The OSLO-COMET Randomized Controlled Trial. Ann. Surg. 2018;267(2):199-207.
12. Mustafin R. D., Esin V. I., Molchanova Yu. R. On the choice of the method of transsection of the liver parenchyma during its resection // Topical issues of modern medicine: materials of the International Conference of the Caspian States. 2016:163-164. (In Russ.).
Keywords: colorectal cancer, liver resection