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[Original research] [Experimental medicine]
Sergey Dzugkoev; Fira Dzugkoeva; Mikhail Otiev; Olga Marghiev; Irina Mozhayeva;
In studies in experimental rats with cobalt intoxication, the antioxidant effect of fabomotisole was established by reducing the concentration of malonic dialdehyde (MDA) in erythrocytes, homogenates of renal, hepatic and myocardial tissues. Against the background of monotherapy with fabomotisole, imbalance in the system of lipid peroxidation – an antioxidant system with a simultaneous increase in the concentration of total metabolites of nitric oxide – was reduced. Since the content of nitric oxide depends on the availability of the substrate-L-arginine and eNOS expression, we investigated the state of cholesterol metabolism and found an increased content of atherogenic β-lipoproteins and a decrease in the highdensity lipoprotein content. Disrupted cholesterol metabolism causes a predaterogenic change in the vascular system and promotes the development of endothelial dysfunction, which is a risk factor for damage to internal organs. The data showed that along with the antioxidant effect, fabomotisole stimulates the activity of Na,K-ATPase in homogenates of internal organs and reduces the content of enzyme-specific enzymes in the serum.
1.Dzugkoyev S. G., Mozhayeva I. V., Otiyev M. A., Margiyeva O. I., Dzugkoyeva F. S. Patologicheskaya fiziologiya i eksperimentalnaya terapiya. – Pathological physiology and experimental therapy. 2015;59(2):70-75. (In Russ.).
2. Pozhilova E. V., Novikov V. Ye. Sintaza oksida azota i endogennyy oksid azota v fiziologii i patologii kletki. Vestnik Smolenskoy gosudarstvennoy meditsinskoy akademii. – Bulletin of the Smolensk State Medical Academy. 2015;14(4):35-41. (In Russ.).
3. Dzugkoyev S. G., Mozhayeva I. V., Gigolayeva L. V., Tedtoyeva A. I., Margiyeva O. I. [et al.]. Patologicheskaya fiziologiya i eksperimentalnaya terapiya. – Pathological physiology and experimental therapy. 2014;(4):66-70. (In Russ.).
4. Seredinin S. B., Abramova E. V., Voronin M. V. Radioligandnyy analiz σ1 retseptorov v P2 i P3 fraktsiyakh golovnogo mozga myshey v usloviyakh emotsional’nogo stressa i pri vvedenii afobazola. Eksperimentalnaya i klinicheskaya farmakologiya. – Experimental and clinical pharmacology. 2017;80(2):3-7. (In Russ.).
5. Lankin V., Konovalova G., Tikhaze A., Shumaev K., Kumskova E. [et al.]. The initiation of free radical peroxidation of low-density lipoproteins dy glucose and its metabolite metilglyoxal: a common molecular mechanism of vascular wall injure in atherosclerosis and diabetes. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2014;395(1-2):241-252.
6. Ushkalov V. O., Turko Ya. I. Antioxidant system state of the rats organism at action of nanocobalt in chronic toxicological experiment. Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицинита біотехнологій імені С. З. Ґжицького. 2016;18(1-1):238-243.
7. Dzugkoyev S. G., Mozhayeva I. V., Gigolayeva L. V., Takoyeva Ye. A., Dzugkoyeva F. S. [et al.]. Sistemnyy okislitelnyy stress i biokhimicheskiye marker povrezhdeniya vnutrennikh organov. Fundamentalnye issledovaniya. – Basic research. 2014;(7):478-481.(In Russ.).
8. Vagnerova K., Hurn P. D., Bhardwaj A., Kirsch J. R. Sigma 1 receptor agonist act as neuroprotective drugs through inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase. Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2006;103(2):430-434.
Keywords: cobalt chloride, lipid peroxidation, nitric oxide, fabomotisol, endothelial dysfunction, cholesterol exchange