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The effect of glufimet and mefargin on physical performance and sensorimotor function of rats after chronic alcohol intoxication

[Original research] [Clinical Pharmacology] [Pharmacology]
Lyudmila E. Borodkina; Yulia Andreevna Smolnyakova; Elena Andreevna Muzyko; Yakov Vladimirovich Tivon; Ivan Nikolaevich Tyurenkov; Vladimir Ivanovich Petrov;

The effect of derivatives of GABA and glutamic acid – the composition of 4-amino-3-phenylbutanoic acid methyl ester hydrochloride with L-arginine in a 1:1 ratio (mefargin) and β-phenyl-glutamic acid hydrochloride dimethyl ester (glufimet) – on physical performance and sensorimotor function of rats after of chronic alcohol intoxication (CAI) caused by 6 months replacing drinking water with a 10 % solution of ethanol with sucrose (50 g/l) was studied. There were detection of the deterioration in physical endurance and muscle strength, impaired coordination, fine motor skills, tactile, pain and temperature sensitivity in animals after CAI of the control group compared with the intact group. Rats, in which there were injected intraperitoneally for 14 days with mefargin (25 mg/kg), glufimet (29 mg/kg) and the drug of comparison phenotropil (25 mg/kg) had higher physical performance indicators and sensorimotor function compared with the control group. Glufimet and mefargin were liken or superior to phenotropil in effectiveness.


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Keywords: chronic alcohol intoxication, derivatives of neuroactive amino acids, glufimet, mefargin, physical performance, sensorimotor function

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy