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[Experimental medicine]
Ilya Bykov; Hristina Berberidi; Konstantin Popov; Galina Ermakova; Igor Tsymbalyuk; Elena Evgenevna Esaulenko; Yana Evgenievna Denisova; Erustam Adamovich Azimov;
Studies on the treatment of intoxication caused by prolonged use of alcohol are necessary. Herein, the influence of ademetionine, methionine and lipoic acid under various administration schemes on the course of chronic alcoholization was compared. The study was performed on 125 white nonlinear male rats (initial body mass: 220–250 g) divided into seven groups. Groups 2–7 underwent alcoholization for two months. The rats of groups 3–7 were administered ademetionine, methionine or lipoic acid. We determined herein that ademetionine injections had the most significant hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects, and they maintained the mitochondria in an adequate functional state. Methionine administration showed no cytoprotective effect, and it was characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction and a more significant increase in the activity of hepatic cytolysis markers. The lipoic acid injections had a significant antioxidant effect, but their cytoprotective effects were mild. On the basis of our findings, we concluded that the substances tested here mainly improved metabolic disorders induced by chronic alcoholization via maintenance of the detoxification and biosynthetic functions of the liver.
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15. Zorova L. D., Popkov V. A., Plotnikov E. J., Silachev D. N., Pevzner I. B. [et al.] Roles of Mitochondrial Membrane Potential. Membrane and Cell Biology. 2017;34(6):93-100.
Keywords: alcoholization, oxidative stress, antioxidant system, methionine, lipoic acid, ademetionine