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Features of inter-microbial relations in the infer tile women’s vagina microbiota

[Obstetrios and gynecology]
Anatoliy Godovalov; Maksim Gushchin; Tamara Karpunina;

At present, there is a change in the relationship between man and microorganisms, expressed by a change in the spectrum of pathogens and the clinical picture of diseases. The aim of the study was to evaluate the features of microecology of the lower genital tract under infertility. A microbiological study of the vagina samples of 345 subfertil women was carried out. The inadequacy of the traditional microbiological characteristics of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the vagina microorganisms was shown. For the microecological assessment of the state of the biotope, a complex of indicators has been proposed and tested, which makes it possible to assess the constancy of microflora, the nature of the relationship between individual representatives. It was shown a decrease in the amount of Lactobacillus spp. in the vagina microbiocenosis in half of the subfertil women. In such a situation, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms receive ample opportunities for manifesting their pathogenic properties. However, with a sufficient amount of Lactobacillus spp., the antagonistic nature of the relationship between obligate and transitional objects of normoflora is preserved. In addition, it can be assumed that random microorganisms additionally create conditions for the formation of pathological symbiosis. In general, the microecological approach to assessing the state of the microbiota seems appropriate, since it provides the necessary information on the character of symbionts in the microflora of the analyzed niche.


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Keywords: microecological approach, microflora, vaginal biotope, infertility, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, Jacquard coefficient

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy