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[Experimental medicine]
Sergey Sirak; Evgeny Shchetinin; Gregory Petrosyan; Anton Andreev; Georgy Vafiadi;
The article deals with the evaluation of microhardness of various parts of the jaw bone tissue at different stages of periodontitis in experimental animals under chronic stress. The study was carried out by using a stress-inducing device of our own design for 60 white laboratory rats. The duration of the experiment was 120 days. The results of the study showed that the microhardness of bone tissue depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process in periodontitis. The obtained data on the change in the microhardness of the bone tissue of the alveolar process in periodontitis will be useful in the calculation of loads on the teeth at dental implantation, prosthetics, the imposition of dental splints to fix jaw fractures and other forms of jaw pathology, accompanied by bone resorption.
1. Tlustenko V. P., Bajrikov A. I., Osadchij A. S., Zel’ter P. M. Determination of bone density in the lower jaw according to the Misch classification according to x-ray densitometry. Vrach-aspirant. – PhD Student. 2016;1(76):290-295. (In Russ.).
2. Luk’janceva G. V., Luzin V. I., Morozov V. N. The effect of 60-day administration of sodium benzoate on the strength characteristics of the bones of the skeleton of white rats in the period of rehabilitation. Travma. – Injury. 2014;15(3):30-32. (In Russ.).
3. Nguyen T. T., Surarit R., Ngo L. Q., Promsudthi A. Salivary lipid peroxidation in patients with generalized chronic periodontitis and acute coronary syndrome. Journal of Periodontology. 2016;2(87):134-141.
4. Petrosyan G. G., Sirak S. V., Romanenko R. G., Tarabrina A. G., Shchetinin E. V. Stress-induced disruption of the structure of periodontal tissues in an animal experiment. Meditsinskii vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. – Medical News of the North Caucasus. 2018;13(1):73–77. (In Russ.).
5. Sirak S. V., Adamchik A. A., Kobylkina T. L. Experimental evaluation of the regenerative potential of periodontal tissues. Parodontologiya. – Periodontology. 2016;21(3):15- 18. (In Russ.).
6. Sirak S. V., Shchetinin E. V., Petrosyan G. G., Gatilo Yu. Yu. The effect of pulsed infrared semiconductor laser radiation on alkaline phosphatase activity in an experimental uncomplicated fracture of the lower jaw and traumatic osteomyelitis. Kubanskiy nauchnyy meditsinskiy vestnik. – Kuban Scientific Medical Bulletin. 2016;(4):106-110. (In Russ.).
7. Ovcharenko E. S., Majchub I. Ju., Vinichenko E. L., Ermoshenko L. S., Uvarova A. G. Clinical and laboratory assessment of long-term results of the effectiveness of complex therapy of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis and distal deep bite. Parodontologiya. – Periodontology. 2016;3(80):78-82. (In Russ.).
8. Bertoldi C., Venuta М., Guaraldi G. Are periodontal outcomes affected by personality patterns? A 18-month follow-up study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2018:1(76):48-57.
9. Genco R. J., Borgnakke W. S. Risk factors for periodontal disease. Periodontology. 2013;1(62):59–94. 0757.2012.00457.x
10. Ghallab N. A., Hamdy E., Shaker O. G. Malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase and melatonin levels in gingival crevicular fluid of aggressive and chronic periodontitis patients. Australian Dental Journal. 2016;1(61):53-61.
11. Radchenko V. A., Kosterin S. B., Deduh N. V., Pobel E. A. Bone densitometry in clinical practice. Ortopedija, travmatologija i protezirovanie. – Orthopedics, traumatology and prosthetics. 2015;(2):100-107. (In Russ.).
12. Ron’ G. I., Uvarova L. V., Elovikova T. M., Chibisova M. A. Densitometry in dynamics in patients with periodontal disease. Dental Magazine. 2016;5(149):10-15. (In Russ.).
Keywords: stress, periodontium, experiment, microhardness, jaw