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[Experimental medicine]
Galina Lukina; Anton Lukin; Aleksandr Baranchikov; Alexey Volkov; Alexey Prokopov; Andrey Alikhanyan; Vladimir Ivanov; Oleg Tsymbalov;
Experimental study (in vivo) of the influence of nanocrystalline cerium dioxide on bone tissue regeneration was carried out. Positive morphometry results have been obtained in accelerating the processes of reparative osteogenesis in the early stages.
1. Sirak S., Shchetinin E., Bobryshev D., Fritsch T., Giesenhagen B. [et al.]. Osteoporotic sheep mandibular model for comparative alveolar bone healing research. Medical News of North Caucasus. 2017;12(3):284-289.
2. Volozhin A. I., Vasilyev A. Yu., Malginov N. N., Bulanova I. M., Grigoryan A. S., Kiseleva E. V., Chernyaev S. E., Tarasenko I. V. The use of mesenchymal stem cells to activate the reparative processes of the jaw bone tissue in the experiment. Stomatologiya. – Dentistry. 2010;89(1):10-14. (In Russ.).
3. Sirak A. G., Shchetinin E. V., Sirak S. V., Arutyunov A. V., Parazyan L. A., Ignatiadi O. N., Dygov E. A. Development and experimental use of new dental materials to stimulate reparative osteogenesis in the treatment of destructive forms of chronic periodontitis. Meditsinskii vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. – Medical News of the North Caucasus. 2014;9(4):332-336. (In Russ.).
4. Sirak S. V., Sletov A. A., Alimov A. Sh., Tskhovrebov A. Ch., Fedurchenko A. V., Afanasyeva O. V. Clinical and experimental rationale for the use of the drug Colost and bioresorbable membranes Diplene-gum and Parodonkol when removing retained and dystopic lower third molars. Stomatologiya. – Dentistry. 2008;87(2):10-14. (In Russ.).
5. Deryabin E. I., Permyakova N. E., Emelyanov A. S. The effect of mechanically activated calcium gluconate and polarized polychromatic light on reparative processes in the mandible bone tissue in the experiment. Vestnik eksperimentalnoy I klinicheskoy hirurgii. – Bulletin of experimental and clinical surgery. 2012;5(2):353-360. (In Russ.).
6. Sirak S. V., Schetinin E. V., Sletov A. A. Subantral augmentation by porous titanium in experiment and clinic. Stomatologiya. – Dentistry. 2016;95(1):55-58. (In Russ.).
7. Negahdary M., Mohserni G., Fazilati M., Parsania SRhimi G., Rad S., Rezaei-Zarchi S. The Antibacterial effect of cerium oxide nanoparticles on Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Ann. Biol. Res. 2012;3:3671-3678.
8. Shcherbakov A. B., Zholobak N. M., Ivanov V. K., Tretyakov Yu. D., Spivak N. Ya. Cerium dioxide nanomaterials: properties and prospects for use in biology and medicine. Biotechnology. 2011;4(1):9-28. (In Russ.).
9. Bolyachin A. V., Belyaeva T. S. Calcium hydroxide preparations: basic properties and biological effects. Endodontiya today. – Endodontics today. 2010;(1-2):13-17. (In Russ.).
10. Guoqiang Z., Guangqi G., Yang Li, Qun Z., Wenying W., Shuxiang W., Jinchao Z. Effects of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles on the Proliferation, Differentiation, and Mineralization Function of Primary Osteoblasts In Vitro. Biological Trace Element Research. 2013;1(153):411-418.
11. Popov A. L., Popova N. R., Ivanov V. K. Cerium dioxide nanoparticles are not toxic to human MSCs and are capable of stimulating their proliferation in vitro. Aktualnie voprosi biologicheskoy fiziki i himii. – Topical issues of biological physics and chemistry. 2016;2(1):47-51. (In Russ.).
12. Rogozhnikov A. G. Biological properties of modified granules of zirconium dioxide (according to experimental studies). Problemi stomatologii. – Dentistry problems. 2015;3(4):49-56. (In Russ.).
13. Sirak S. V., Shchetinin E. V. Рrevention of complications in patients suffering from pathological mandibular fractures due to bisphosphonate-associated osteonecroses. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2015;5(6):1678-1684.
Keywords: defects of the bone tissue, nanocrystalline cerium dioxide, regeneration of the bone tissue