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Influence of anemia on quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease on renal replacement therapy

[Original research] [Internal diseases]
Svetlana Urazlina; Tatiana Zhdanov; Andrey Nazarov; Tatiana Zueva;

The influence of anemia and renal replacement therapy (RRT) on the quality of life (QOL) of patients with chronic kidney diseases (CKD) on HD, CAPD and kidney transplant recipients has been studied. 60 patients with CKD 5 were included in the study. Patients with CKD 3 were included in control group. It was found that the scores of QOL in the group of kidney transplant recipients were comparable with the scores in the group with CKD 3, and were better than in dialysis patients, not only in terms of physical health (PF and PCH), but also in the terms of the psychological component of health (VT and SF). Reliable (p<0.05) positive correlation have been obtained between QOL and hemoglobin levels (PF, PCH, SF, MH),hematocrit (PF, PCH, SF, MH), serum iron level (PF, RP, BP, GH, PCH, VT, SF, MH), transferrin saturation index (BP, GH, PCH, VT, MH). Scores of QOL in the group of kidney transplant recipients and in the control group were comparable and were better than in the groups of patients on dialysis. Relationship between indices of anemia and QOL in patients on RRT was revealed.


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Keywords: quality of life, chronic kidney disease, renal replacement therapy, anemia

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy