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[Internal diseases]
Alexandr Yagoda; Vijaya Sarithala; Pavel Koroy;
The content of adhesion molecules and hepcidin in the blood was studied in 134 patients with rheumatoid arthritis in connection with the presence of anemia. Anemia developed in 35.8 % of patients: in 64.6 % of cases there was anemia of a chronic disease, in 35.4 % of patients – iron deficiency. In cases of anemia, the serum hepcidin concentration was higher, and the adhesion molecule parameters did not differ from those in RA patients with normal hemoglobin levels in the blood. The values of hepcidin negatively correlated with the values of hemoglobin and erythrocytes. In patients with anemia of chronic disease, unlike cases of iron deficiency anemia, significantly higher levels of hepcidin and ICAM-1 and an increased P-selectin content in the blood were noted.
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Keywords: rheumatoid arthritis, anemia, hepcidin, adhesion molecules