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[Social medicine and public health service]
Valentina Muravyeva; Alexandr Muravyev; Alesya Khripunova; Sergey Martynenko; Vladimir Zenin;
Official sites of 79 medical organizations of the Stavropol Territory were analyzed for compliance of the list of placed information with the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2013 number 810a. A number of common weaknesses of websites content are revealed: most of health institutions do not pay sufficient attention to the information about the transport accessibility, the list of preferential medicines, health insurance companies providing obligatory medical insurance and regulatory organizations. There is no possibility to make an appointment with the doctor and to receive feedback. The most common mistakes at web sites creating are revealed, measures were proposed in raising public awareness of the range of medical services, their efficiency and safety.
1. Ob utverzhdenii kontseptsii sozdaniya edinoy gosudarstvennoy informatsionnoy sistemy v sfere zdravookhraneniya: prikaz ot 28.04.2011 g. № 364. [Online]. [cited 2015 Jun 26]. Available from: http://www. rossii-364-ot-28-aprelya-2011-g. (In Russian).
2. Orlova V. V., Krepak E. P. Mezdunarodnyj zurnal prikladnyh i fundamentalnyh issledovanij. – International Journal of Applied and Basic Research. 2015;3-3:428-432.
3. Ob utverzdenii koncepcii sozdania edinoj gosudarstvennoj informacionnoj sistemy v sfere dravoohranenia: prikaz ot 28.04.2011 g. № 364. [Online]. [cited 2015 Dec 20]. Available from: 5363-prikaz-minzdrava-rossii-ot-31-oktyabrya- 2013-g-810a. (In Russian).
Keywords: web site of the medical organization, information and communication performance, user convenience