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[Experimental medicine]
Nikolai Strelkov; Nikolai Kiryanov; Pavel Shklyaev;
The aim of the study was a comprehensive assessment of pathological changes and features of the mineral composition of bone tissue in the early stages of acute osteomyelitis in the experiment.
The experiments were performed on 35 rabbits of both sexes, in accordance with bioethical requirements. Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis was modeled by introducing a culture of staphylococcus in the medullary canal of the tibia. All animals were taken out of experience under short ether anesthesia, by air embolism after 30 min, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours after administration of Staphylococcus culture. In terms of the experimental data by light, electron (scanning and transmission) microscopy and X-ray electron microprobe analysis the features of pathomorphology and mineral composition of bone tissue were studied.
Morphological picture in the next 12 hours of the experiment was characterized by the beginning of the destructive processes in the bone marrow. There was a sharp increase in the concentration of sodium, while high values of volume fractions of intraosseous calcium, phosphorus and sulfur persisted, reflecting the increased mineralization. By the end of the 1st day of the experiment the process of destruction of bone tissue had developed; they were accompanied by demineralization. By the end of the 2nd day activation of bone formation was marked, while demineralization persisted.
Thus, in the early stages of experimental osteomyelitis progressive inflammation in the medullary canal is accompanied by activation of bone mineralization. Destruction of osteons with the symptoms of osteolysis is accompanied by a compensatory activation of osteosynthesis.
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8. Strelkov N. S., Kiryanov N. A., Shklyaev P. O., Iryanov Yu. M. Bosn. J. Basic Sci. 2013;13(3):72-76.
Keywords: osteomyelitis, mineral metabolism, pathomorphology