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[Social medicine and public health service]
Karen Amlaev; Vasilisa Zafirova; Rustam Aybazov; Rustam Aybazov; Irina Shikina;
Presents the results of the lifestyle and health literacy survey of patients with cardiovascular pathology. Tobacco addiction and lack of exercise seemed to be more common in patient’s population. At the same time, patients were less likely to maintain a healthy lifestyle, although their level of health literacy was higher than in the control group consisting of healthy people.
1. Amlayev K. R., Koychuyeva S. M., Makhov Z. D, Koychuyev A. A. Profilakticheskaya meditsina. – Preventive Medicine. 2012;6:25-28.
2. Amlayev K. R., Muravyeva V. N., Koychuyev A. A., Utkina G. Yu. Meditsinsii Vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza. – Medical News of North Caucasus. 2012;4:75-79.
3. Amlayev K. R., Koychuyeva S. M., Makhov Z. D, Koychuyev A. A. Profilakticheskaya meditsina. – Preventive Medicine. 2013;2:18-22.
4. Velikanov A. A. Struktura i dinamika emotsionalnykh sostoyany u bolnykh ishemicheskoy boleznyu serdtsa v period lecheniya v statsionare. Avtoref. dis. … kand. psikhol. nauk. SPb; 2009. 26 p.
5. Gafarov V. V., Gafarova A. I., Shakhtarina N. Yu. Ter. arkh. – Therapeutic Archiv es 2002;74(9):9-12.
6. Kosarev V. V., Babanov S. A. Zdravookhr. R F. – Health of the Russian Federation. 2002;6:33-35.
7. Obrezan A.G., Kovlen D.V. Ishemicheskaya bolezn serdtsa. SPb.: «Nevsky prospect»; 2002. 157 p.
8. Razvodovsky Yu.E. Zdravookhr. RF. – Health of the Russian Federation. 2002;42(5):37-39.
9. Smulevich A. B., Syrkin A. L., Drobizhev M. Yu. Ishemicheskaya bolezn serdtsa i vnutrennyaya kartina bolezni (k probleme patogeneza nozogennykh reaktsy) – kardiologicheskiye aspekty. V kn.: Psikhokardiologiya. M.: «Med. inform. ag-vo»; 2005. P. 266-284.
10. Fedorova Ye. L., Bondareva Z. G., Kuimov A. V. Klin. med. – Clinical medicine. 2003;81(6):28-33.
11. Lopez A. D., Mathers C. D., Ezzati M. Lancet. 2006:367(9524);1747-1757.
12. Mehta P. M., Przyklenk K., Kloner R. A. Soc. Cardiol. 1990;14(1):94-99.
Keywords: cardiac disease, risk factors, smoking, healthy lifestyle, health literacy