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The journal is included into The list of leading scientific periodicals.
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[Experimental medicine]
Evgeny Shchetinin; Sergey Sirak; Olga Ignatiadi; Alla Sirak; Madina Demurova; Eldar Dygov;
The aim was to evaluate the antibacterial effect and toxicity of antibiotics for treatment of periodontitis. Three most widely used in dental practice preparations for tooth canals treatment – 1 % chinosol solution, 0,5 % chlorhexidine solution, 1 % dioksidine solution and additionally isotonic solution of lysozyme were studied. The data obtained had proved the low toxicity of isotonic lysozyme and its high antibacterial activity against anaerobic microorganisms.
1. Budzinskiy N. E., Sirak S. V., Maksimova E. M., Sirak A. G. Fundamentalnie issledovaniya. – Fundamental research. 2013;7-3:518-522.
2. Budzinskiy N. E., Sirak S. V., Sovremennie problem nauki I obrazovanija. – Modern problems of science and education. 2013;3:133.
3. Grigoryants L. A., Sirak S. V., Zekeraev R. S., Arutunan K. E. Stomatologija. – Dentistry. 2007;3:42-46.
4. Sirak S. V., Bykov I. M., Sirak A. G., Akopova L. V. Kubanskiy nauchniy medicinskiy vestnik. – Kuban scientific medical journal. 2013;6(141):166-169.
5. Sirak S. V., Zekeraevа M. V. Periodontologiya. – Periodontics. 2010;15(1):46-50.
6. Sirak S. V., Kopylova I. A. Vestnik Smolenskoy medicinskoy akademii. –Bulletin of the Smolensk state medical Academy. 2010;2:127-129.
7. Sirak S. V., Shapovalovа I. A., Kopylova I. A. Endodontiya segodnya. – Endodontics Today. 2009;1:23-25.
8. Sirak S. V., Shapovalova I. А., Puginа N. А., Lоlаevа A. K., Afanasyeva O. V., Loktionovа M. V. Stomatologia Detskogo vozrasta i profilaktika. – Stomatology of children’s age and prevention. 2008;4:61-63.
9. Stratchounski L. S., Technic A. V., Belkova Y. A., Afinogenov G. Е., Akhmetov L. I., Boronina L. G., Huge-size E. N., Gudkov L. V., Zdzitowiecki D. E., Ilyin V. N., Krejcikova О. I., Marusina N. E., Multich I. G., Pylaeva S. I., Smirnov I. V., Suvorova T. N., Taraban V. K., Furletova N. M., Khasanova Y. E., Shchetinin E. V. Klinicheskaya mikrobiologiya i antimikrobnaya chimioterapiya. – Clinical microbiology and antimicrobial chemotherapy. 2002;4(2):157-163.
10. Stratchounski L. S., Dekhnich A. V., Kretchikov V. A., Edelstain I. A., Narezkina A. D., Afinogenov G. E., Akhmetova L. I., Boronina L. G., Gugutcidze E. N., Gudkova L. V., Zdzitovetcki D. E., Ilyina V. N., Kretchikova O. I., Marusina N. E., Multih I. G., Pylaeva S. I., Smirnov I. V., Suborova T. N., Taraban V. K., Furletova N. M., Shchetinin E. V. Journal of Chemotherapy. 2005;17(1):54-60.
11. Sirak S. V., Arutyunov A. V., Shchetinin E. V., Sirak A. G., Akkalaev A. B., Mikhalchenko D. V. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences. 2014;5(5):682-690.
Keywords: periodontitis, antibacterial drugs, anaerobic flora