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[Original research] [Orthopedics and traumatology]
Alexandr Vorotnikov; Galina Saneeva; Andrey Tzimbal;
Purpose: to study the efficiency of extracorporal shock-wave therapy and the affected area orthopedic relief for treating pain syndrome associated with enthesopathies in patients with articular hypermobility syndrome. 75 patients with enthesopathies of various localizations and diagnosed articular hypermobility were observed in 2008–2011, their age varying from 35 to 55 years (median age: 37.5±0.4 years). The treatment mode was out-patient, with a shockwave device PIEZOSON-100 (manufacturer: RICHARD WOLF). The clinical observation was done straight after the 5th session of extracorporal shock-wave therapy, and then 3 and 6 months after. The treatment efficiency was evaluated using the
Numerical Rating Scale (NRS). Besides, the whole course of treatment included protective regimen, as well as elbow or ankle-joint orthoses. The positive outcomes obtained after treating the pain syndrome associated with limb enthesopathies serve evidence to the efficiency of extracorporal shock-wave therapy, which, in case of articular hypermobility syndrome present as well, should be combined
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Keywords: extracorporal shock-wave therapy, enthesopathy, articular hypermobility syndrome