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Urea synthesis in the liver of mice after skeletal injury on the background of amino acid load

[Experimental medicine]
Maxim Valerievich Stogov; Elena Anatolyevna Kireeva;

The dynamics of the urea level in the liver of mice after skeletal injury in the presence of additional amounts of amino acids leucine, isoleucine, arginine and methionine with food was studied. The study was performed on 74 male mice of the CBA line. In the liver and blood serum, the concentration of urea was determined, in the serum – additionally albumin. It was found that by itself, the dietary load of amino acids did not cause a significant increase in urea synthesis in the liver of mice. However, in animals with a dietary amino acid load after injury, increased urea synthesis was observed until the 7th day of the post-traumatic period, in contrast to animals with injury, but without the addition of amino acids to the diet, in which a high level of urea was noted only on the 3rd day after injuries. Obviously, the additional use of amino acids in the post-traumatic period is a factor that increases the functional metabolic load on the liver.


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Keywords: urea synthesis, bone fracture, liver, amino acids, nutrition

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy