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Impact of anticancer therapy on the dynamics of myocardial damage markers, indicators of endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in patients with lymphomas

[Original research] [Oncology]
Olga Nikolaevna Antyufeeva; Darya Aleksandrovna Budanova; Irina Sergeevna Ilgisonis; Yuri Nikitich Belenkov; Vladimir Igorevich Ershov; Igor Yurievich Gadaev; Olga Valentinovna Bochkarnikova; Irina Yakovlevna Sokolova;

The study was carried out to assess the dynamics of TnI, hs-cTnI, H-FABP, NT-proBNP, SOD, MPO, VCAM in 105 patients with newly diagnosed lymphomas during of anticancer therapy. These indicators were evaluated initially (T1), 6 hours after the administration of anthracyclines (T2), after treatment course conclusion (T3). The structural and functional state of small vessels were determined by digital photoplethysmography (PPG). During PCT specific changes were observed: a significant increase in the level of NT-proBNP; significant decrease in the VCAM level; a downward tendency for H-FABP; an increase in MPO and SOD levels initially with a downward tendency during treatment, remaining above the reference values; improvement of microvasculature wall state due to PPG results. The obtained data has indicated the progression of myocardial dysfunction during antitumor therapy, activation of OS, and relative improvement in endothelial function. The study revealed the highest sensitivity for NT-proBNP in assessing the cardiotoxic effect of PCT from the first stages of treatment. The results of the dynamics of H-FABP, VCAM, MPO, SOD levels may also indicate the probable participation of LPD itself in the development of ED and OS in these patients.


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Keywords: lymphoma, antitumor therapy, cardiotoxicity, endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, biomarkers

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy