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The disturbance variants of renal blood flow in young age persons with connective tissue dyplasiasigns

[Original research] [Internal diseases]
Lyudmila Yeliseyeva; Nadezhda Yurievna Tikhomirova; Olga Ilyinichna Zhdamarova; Marina Ivanovna Bocharnikova;

A comparative study of arterial and venous blood flow in the kidneys was performed in young people (18–25 years old) with the presence (103 people) and the absence (42 respondents) of phenotypic signs of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD). A significant increase in the incidence of unilateral (in the right or left kidney) and bilateral (respectively 8.76 and 3.18 times more often in isolated and 6.52 times more often in bilateral) disorders of venous kidneys outflow in the examined individuals with signs of CTD was revealed in comparison with the control group. The frequency of bilateral lesions increases in the presence of joint pain and is directly dependent on the number of dysplastic stigmata. In persons with CTD, correlations of renal artery resistance with impaired venous blood flow in the kidneys and some morphometric parameters of the heart were found. The authors propose clinical criteria of identifying the cohort of young people in need of additional study of renal blood flow.


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Keywords: connective tissue dysplasia, renal arterial and venous blood flow

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy