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[Original research] [Internal diseases]
Alexander Semenkin; Vladimir Sergeevich Sapronenko; Marina Shupina; Tereshchenko Yulia V.; Zhivilova Lilia A.; Olga Drokina; Inna Druk; Galina Nechaeva;
The aim of the study was to assess the anatomical distinctive characteristics of the left ventricle of the heart evaluated by echocardiography and to find the determining factors in individuals with signs of connective tissue dysplasia (CTD) in comparison with those without CTD. The study involved 187 male individuals without any obvious pathology at the age of 15 to 45 years. Among them 84 patients were diagnosed as having CTD and 103 patients without CTD based on actual guidelines. Individuals with syndromic forms of CTD, elevated blood pressure, significant valve regurgitation and severe skeletal anomalies of spine and thorax were not included in this study. The results of the study showed that the left ventricular myocardial mass (LVMM) in individuals with CTD was significantly lower than in control group without this pathology regardless of age, anthropometric parameters and level of blood pressure. The decrease of the heart size in the CTD group remains proportional, as evidenced by the index of the relative wall thickness of the left ventricle (LV). LVMM does not depend on CTD phenotypes and has a significant inverse relationship with the level of systemic involvement and the value of the CTD diagnostic coefficient. There was a trend towards eccentric LV remodeling in persons with CTD and classical concentric remodeling in persons without CTD with systolic BP values above 120 mm Hg.
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Keywords: сonnective tissue dysplasia, left ventricular myocardial mass, cardiac remodeling, blood pressure, echocardiography