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[Experimental medicine]
Konstantin Popov; Ilya Bykov; Igor Tsymbalyuk; Rustam Adamovich Azimov; Mikhail Bykov; Yana Evgenievna Denisova; Angela Nikolaevna Stolyarova; Elena Evgenevna Esaulenko;
In the development of the protective effects of ischemic preconditioning, various signaling pathways, including those mediated by reactive oxygen species, play an outstanding role. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of preliminary administration of tert-butyl hydroperoxide on the development of liver damage in rats during ischemiareperfusion modeling. The study was carried out on 55 white non-linear male rats, divided into 3 groups: the control group (1st group), not exposed to any influences; Groups 2 and 3, where rats underwent modeling of vascular exclusion of the liver for 20 minutes followed by 3 hours of reperfusion. The animals of the experimental groups were injected intraperitoneally with 1 ml of saline (Group 2) or 1 ml of 0.5 % solution of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (group 3) intraperitoneally. As a result of the studies, it was revealed that against the background of preliminary administration of tert-butyl hydroperoxide, the activity of ALT, AST, LDH and glutathione-S-transferase was 1.5–4.5 times lower than the values of similar indicators in animals of the 2nd group. Thus, the scientific hypothesis about the possibility of preconditioning of ischemia-reperfusion liver damage using prooxidant factors was confirmed.
1. Bogdanov S. B., Gilevich I. V., Porhanov V. A., Melkonyan K. I., Sotnichenko A. S., Alekseenko S. N. Total full-thickness skin grafting for treating patients with extensive facial burn injury: a 10-year experience. Burns. 2020.
2. Ye L., He S., Mao X., Zhang Y., Cai Y., Li S. Effect of hepatic macrophage polarization and apoptosis on liver ischemia and reperfusion injury during liver transplantation. Front. Immunol. 2020;11:1193.
3. Khodosovsky M. N., Zinchuk V. V. Erythropoietin influence on the blood oxygen transport and prooxidant-antioxidant state during hepatic ischemia-reperfusion. Rossiyskiy fiziologicheskiy zhurnal im. I. M. Sechenova. – Russian Journal of Physiology. 2014;100(5):592-601. (In Russ.).
4. Shiraishi S., Cho S., Akiyama D., Ichinomiya T., Shibata I. [et al.]. Sevoflurane has postconditioning as well as preconditioning properties against hepatic warm ischemia- reperfusion injury in rats. J. Anesth. 2019;33(3):390-398.
5. Maslov L. N., Naryzhnaja N. V., Podoksenov Ju. K., Prokudina E. S., Gorbunov A. S. [et al.]. Reactive oxygen species – triggers and mediators of increasing the resistance of the heart to ischemia-reperfusion. Rossiyskiy fiziologicheskiy zhurnal im. I. M. Sechenova. – Russian Journal of Physiology. 2015;101(1): 3-24. (In Russ.).
6. Kozin S. V., Kravtsov A. A., Zlischeva E. I., Shurygina L. V., Malyshko V. V. [et al.]. Influence of deuterium depleted drinking diet on the functional state of the central nervous system of animals in hypoxia. Biofizika. – Biophysics. 2020;65(6):1196-1202. (In Russ.).
7. Basov A. A., Elkina А. A., Samkov A. A., Volchenko N. N., Baryshev M. G. [et al.]. Influence of deuterium-depleted water on the isotope d/h composition of liver tissue and morphological development of rats at different periods of ontogenesis. Iranian Biomedical Journal. 2019;23(2):129-141.
8. Maksimovich N. Ye., Dremza I. K., Troyan E. I., Maksimovich Ya. N., Borodinskii A. N. The correcting effects of dihydroquercetin in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Biomeditsinskaya khimiya. – Biomedical chemistry. 2014;60(6):643-650. (In Russ.).
9. Kosmachevskaya O. V., Nasybullina E. I., Shumaev K. B., Topunov A. F., Novikova N. N. Effect of iron-nitric oxide complexes on the reactivity of hemoglobin cysteines. Prikladnaya biokhimiya i mikrobiologiya. – Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology. 2020;56(5):512-520. (In Russ.).
10. Saitoh Y., Yamaguchi Y., Okada Y. Protective effects of dissolved molecular hydrogen against hydrogen peroxide-, hydroperoxide-, and glyoxal-induced injuries to human skin keratinocytes. Mol. Cell Biochem. 2021.
11. Zheng T., Yang J., Zhang J., Yang C., Fan Z. [et al.]. Downregulated MicroRNA-327 Attenuates Oxidative Stress-Mediated Myocardial Ischemia Reperfusion Injury Through Regulating the FGF10/Akt/Nrf2 Signaling Pathway. Front Pharmacol. 2021;12:669146.
12. Popov K. A., Tsymbalyuk I. Y., Sepiashvili R. I., Bykov I. M., Ustinova E. S., Bykov M. I. Optimum marker selection of acute liver damage in rats in the experiment. Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Meditsina. – RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2020;24(4):293-303. (In Russ.).
13. Popov К. А., Bykov I. М., Tsymbalyuk I. Yu., Bykov М. I., Sidorenko A. N. [et al.]. Changes in state of the thiol linkages of an antioxidant system during ischemia and reperfusion, against a background of vascular exclusion in the rat liver. Medical News of North Caucasus. 2018;13(3):525-529.
14. Цымбалюк И. Ю., Мануйлов А. М., Попов К. А., Басов А. А. Метаболическая коррекция дихлорацетатом натрия ишемически-реперфузионного повреждения при сосудистой изоляции печени в эксперименте. Новости хирургии. 2017;25(5):447-453.
Keywords: ischemia, reperfusion, ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, prooxidant factors, oxidative stress, preconditioning