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ISSN 2073-8137

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Psychosomatic comorbidity as a risk factor for the development of emergency conditions with boundary mental disorders in patients

Alexey Alexandrovich Krasnov; Andrey Georgievich Sinenchenko; Svetlana Nikolaevnа Kozlova;

In order to analyze the structure and prognostic significance of comorbid somatic pathology, 122 in hospital patients with neurosis were examined. The comparison group included 159 mentally healthy persons. The prognostic significance of psychosomatic comorbidity was assessed using the M. Charlson index (CCI). A statistically significant increase in the prevalence of somatic pathology was revealed in patients with neurosis (63.9 %) in comparison with the control group (46.5 %). Calculation of the CCI index showed an increase of emergencies likelihood (mortality) in patients with psychosomatic comorbidity by an average of 13.6 %.


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Keywords: borderline mental disorders, comorbidity, emergency conditions

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy