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[Experimental medicine]
Mikael Manvelyan; Eleonora Manvelyan; Vladimir Baturin; Pavel Viktorovich Shamik;
The anticataleptic effect of 2-substituted derivatives of 3(H)-quinazolin-4-one in male rats was examined using a haloperidol catalepsy test. Compounds I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII (laboratory codes) were administered at a dose of 0.2 of the molecular weight in mg/kg. Catalepsy was induced by administration of haloperidol (1 mg/kg). Control animals were injected with a neuroleptic solvent. In male rats, compounds IV and V limited the severity of motor disorders and showed anticataleptic activity, suggesting their possible use as antiparkinsonian treatments.
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4. Oertel W., Schulz J. B. Current and experimental treatments of Parkinson disease: A guide for neuroscientists. J. Neurochem. 2016;139(1):325337.
5. Kodonidi I. P., Oganesyan E. T., Ryabukhin Yu. I., Smirnova L. P., Lysenko T. A. [et al.] Synthesis and biological activity of 1,4-dihydro-4-oxopyrimidine n-heterocyclic derivatives. Voprosy biologicheskoy, meditsinskoy i farmatsevticheskoy khimii. – Questions of biological, medical and pharmaceutical chemistry. 2012;4:1926.
6. Manvelyan Е. А., Manvelyan M. М., Codоnidi I. P., Oganesyan E. T. Аnalgesic activity of new derivatives of quinazolinone-4. Medical News of North Caucasus. 2017;12(3):307311.
7. Manvelyan E. A., Manvelyan M. M., Oganesyan E. T., Kodonidi I. P. Antihypoxant effect of hydroxy and methoxyphenyl derivatives of quinazolin-4(3H)-one. Eksperimentalnaya i klinicheskaya farmakologiya. – Experimental and clinical pharmacology. 2019;82(4):1619.
8. Voronina T. A., Valdman Ye. A., Nerobkova L. N., Kapitsa I. G. Metodicheskiye rekomendatsii po doklinicheskomu izucheniyu lekarstvennykh sredstv s protivoparkinsonicheskoy aktivnostyu. Rukovodstvo po provedeniyu doklinicheskikh issledovany lekarstvennykh sredstv. Pod obsh. red. A. N. Mironova. M.: «Grif i K», 2012.
9. Bricker B., Sampson D., Ablordeppey S. Y. Evaluation of the potential of antipsychotic agents to induce catalepsy in rats: assessment of a new, commercially available, semi-automated instrument. Pharmacol. Biochem. Behav. 2014;120:109116.
10. Luciani K. R., Frie J. A., Khokhar J. Y. An Open Source Automated Bar Test for Measuring Catalepsy in Rats. Eneuro. 2020;7(3):0488-19.2020.
11. Manvelyan E. A., Baturin V. A., Kolodychuk Ye. V. Gendernye razlichiya v effektivnosti psikhotropnykh i kardiotropnykh lekarstvennykh sredstv: Stavropol: SKFU, 2016.
12. Milyukhina I. V., Karpenko M. N., Timofeeva A. A., Klimenko V. M., Scorometz A. A. The role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease. Nevrologichesky zhurnal. – Neurological journal. 2013;3:5155.
13. Illarioshkin S. N. Modern view on etiology of Parkinson’s disease. Nevrologichesky zhurnal. – Neurological journal. 2015;20(4):413.
14. Lindholm D., Pham D. D., Cascone A., Eriksson O., Wennerberg K., Saarma M. c-Abl Inhibitors Enable Insights into the Pathophysiology and Neuroprotection in Parkinson’s Disease. Front. Aging Neurosci. 2016;8:254.
15. Stoker T. B., Torsney K. M., Barker R. A. Emerging Treatment Approaches for Parkinson’s Disease. Front. Neurosci. 2018;12:693.
Keywords: 2-substituted derivatives of 3(h)-quinazolin-4-one, anticataleptic effect, haloperidol catalepsy