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Inna Druk; Ashley Gearhardt; Galina Nechaeva;
The Yale Food Addiction Scale is the first modern questionnaire to assess addictive eating behavior. To date, there is no published adapted Russian version of the scale. Our work represents the stage of linguistic and cultural adaptation of the scale (version 2.0). The procedure of language ratification was carried out, which implies the creation of a new language version of the questionnaire, equivalent to the original version, understood by most respondents who are native speakers of the translation language, regardless of educational level. Pilot testing of the Russian version was carried out in two groups: in the group of healthy respondents (group 1, n=10, men n=3; median age 25 years) and the patient group (group 2, n=15, men n=7; median age 34 years) to assess the understanding of issues, the average rate of completion and identify possible problems filling out the questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed using the STATISTICA 13.3 software. To compare two independent samples, we used the Mann – Whitney criterion, χ2 criterion with Yates correction. In all statistical аnalysis procedures, the critical level of p-value was taken <0.05. As a result of a three-stage procedure of language ratification, a Russian version of the Yale scale of 35 questions was created. In pilot testing, the time spent on testing was 5.5 minutes (5.0; 6.0) and 5 minutes (4.5; 6.5), respectively, in groups 1 and 2 (U 74.50; Z0; p>0.05). Filling out the questionnaire did not cause difficulties, was not accompanied by the stated doubts of the respondents regarding the interpretation of the text of the questionnaire, as well as additional semantic questions from the respondents. The Russian version of the Yale scale of food Addiction (version 2.0) is quivalent to the original version that is understood by the native speakers of the target language and can be recommended for further validation with the determination of psychometric properties.
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3. Gearhardt A. N., Corbin W. R., Brownell K. D. Preliminary validation of the Yale Food Addiction Scale. Appetite. 2019;52;2:430-436.
4. Gearhardt A. N., Corbin W. R., Brownell K. D. Development of the Yale Food Addiction Scale Version 2.0. Psychol. Addictive Behav. 2016;30(1):113-121.
5. Khine M. T., Ota A., Gearhardt A. N., Fujisawa A., Morita M. [et al.]. Validation of the Japanese Version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (J-YFAS 2.0). Nutrients. 2019;22;11(3):E687.
6. Fawzi M., Fawzi M. Validation of an Arabic version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0. East Mediterr Health J. 2018;24(8):745-752.
7. Swarna Nantha Y., Kalasivan A., Ponnusamy Pillai M., Suppiah P., Md Sharif S. [et al.]. The validation of the Malay Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0: factor structure, item analysis and model fit. Public Health. Nutr. 2019;20:1-8.
8. Aloi M., Rania M., Rodríguez Muñoz R. C., Jiménez Murcia S., Fernández-Aranda F. [et al.]. Validation of the Italian version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (I-YFAS 2.0) in a sample of undergraduate students. Eat. Weight. Disord. 2017;22(3):527-533.
9. Granero R., Jiménez-Murcia S., Gearhardt A. N., Agüera Z., Aymamí N. [et al.]. Validation of the Spanish Version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 (YFAS 2.0) and Clinical Correlates in a Sample of Eating Disorder, Gambling Disorder, and Healthy Control Participants. Front. Psychiatry. 2018;9:208.
10. Brunault P., Courtois R., Gearhardt A. N., Gaillard P., Journiac K. [et al.]. Validation of the French Version of the DSM-5 Yale Food Addiction Scale in a Nonclinical Sample. Can. J. Psychiatry. 2017;62(3):199-210.
11. Kim J. H., Song J. H., Kim R., Jang M. Y., Hong H. J.[et al.]. Validity and Reliability of a Korean Version of Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children (YFAS-C)]. J. Korean. Acad. Nurs. 2019;49(1):59-68.
12. Magyar É. E., Tényi D., Gearhardt A., Jeges S., Abaligeti G. [et al.]. Adaptation and validation of the Hungarian version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children. J.Behav. Addict. 2018;7(1):181-188.
13. Chen G., Tang Z., Guo G., Liu X., Xiao S. The Chinese version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale: An examination of its validation in a sample of female adolescents. Eat.Behav. 2015;18:97-102.
14. Horsager C., Færk E., Lauritsen M. B., Østergaard S. D. Validation of the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 and estimation of the population prevalence of food addiction. Clin.Nutr. 2020;13:S0261-5614(20)30006-6.
15. Buyuktuncer Z., Akyol A., Ayaz A., Nergiz-Unal R., Aksoy B. [et al.]. Turkish version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale: preliminary results of factorial structure, reliability, and construct validity. J. Health. Popul. Nutr. 2019;38(1):42.
16. Torres S., Camacho M., Costa P., Ribeiro G., Santos O. [et al.]. Psychometric properties of the Portuguese version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale. Eat. Weight. Disord. 2017;22(2):259-267.
Keywords: Yale scale (version 2.0), food addiction, Russian-language version