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Living organ donation: development trends

Olga Petrovna Abaeva; Sergey Vladimirovich Romanov;

During the period of an intense discussion regarding a new Russian law regulating organ donation and transplantation, the authors of the following article have analyzed currently existing laws and literary sources from all over the world concerning this field, in order to discover the world tendencies of organ donation, regulations and procedures. The research has shown that the attitude towards risk-evaluation by a potential donor has changed drastically during the last quarter of a century. Besides, the countries that actively develop programs of organ transplantation have shifted from requiring a genetical connection between the donor and the recipient towards other factors describing their relations. In Russia, the law making process has demonstrated only slight hints of transitioning from genetical to relative-based donation, which is certainly falling behind international norms. This defines the necessity to provide active and profound work to propagate the humanity of organ donation.


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Keywords: living organ donation, organ donors, risk of organ donation

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
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