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Molecular biomarkers of cognitive impairment in ischemic stroke

Maria Yurevna Efimova; Natalia Evgenievna Ivanova; Tatyana Mihaylovna Alekseeva; Aleksey Yurevich Ivanov; Alexey Evgenevich Tereshin; Artem Olegovich Makarov; Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Reshetnik;

At the review systematize modern ideas about biomarkers of cognitive impairment in ischemic stroke were performed. The metabolic changes underlying the ischemic cascade were combined into three basic processes: excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammation. Studies of the possible relationship between key metabolites and mediators of acute ischemic stroke and the state of higher cortical functions are analyzed. The search for sensitive and specific biomarkers of cognitive impairment will make it possible to predict the rehabilitation potential and will promote the earliest possible start of cognitive rehabilitation measures. Besides, it will enable the development of modern methods of drug correction and prevention of vascular dementia.


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Keywords: higher cortical functions, cognitive impairment, biomarkers, ischemic stroke, excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, inflammation

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy