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Nikolai Nikolaev; Anatolii Martynov; Yulia Skirdenko; Oksana Drapkina; Mariya Livzan; C. Moiseev; Svetlana Bunova; Inna Viktorova; Vladimir S. Zadionchenko; Leonid B. Lazebnik;
The first Russian Consensus on the quantitative assessment of the adherence to treatment approved by the XII National Congress of physicians (Moscow, 22–24 November 2017). The Consensus on the quantitative evaluation of the adherence to treatment in clinical practice and working out the most effective strategies of therapy for the patients needing a long-term or permanent treatment has been developed for the first time. In medical practice, where questionnaires are preferable, allowing to investigate the adherence quantitatively and which are applied commonly for patients with different diseases, have the ability of automated input and data processing. Consequently, the Russian questionnaire of the quantitative assessment of the adherence to treatment QAA-25. The identified adherence is used to forecast the effectiveness of specific interventions. For this purpose, the obtained data of the respondent’s adherence are compared to the ranges of values corresponding to the appropriate levels of adherence (high, medium, or low). If the value of the identified adherence indicator falls within the values range of the corresponding level, this indicates the forecast variant of the intervention effectiveness, which is the most likely for all values within such a scale. This does not exclude that in some cases the individual characteristics of a particular respondent or other unforeseen external influences may affect the actual effectiveness of interventions due to that they may be more or less effective than it is forecast.
1. Drapkina O. M., Livzan M. A., Martynov A. I. [et al.] The first Russian consensus on quantitative
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2. Nikolaev N. A., Skirdenko Yu. P. Russian generic questionnaire for evaluation of compliance to drug herapy. Klinicheskaja farmakologija i terapija. 2018;1(27):74-78.
3. Nikolaev N. A. Demonstrative hypertesoilogy: individualized hypotensive therapy. M.: Izdatel’skij dom Akademii Estestvoznanija, 2015.
4. Nikolaev N. A., Skirdenko Yu. P., Zherebilov V. V. Quantitative assessment of adherence to treatment in clinical medicine:protocol, procedure, interpretation. Kachestv. klinich. praktika. 2016;1:50-59.
5. Nikolaev N. A. Guide to clinical trials of internal diseases. M.: Izdatel’skij dom Akademii Estestvoznanija; 2015.
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Keywords: adherence to treatment, quantitative assessment, recommendations, Russian consensus