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Nikolai Nikolaev; Anatolii Martynov; Sergey Bojcov; Oksana Drapkina; Dmitry Sychev; Mariya Livzan; Yulia Skirdenko;
The first Russian Consensus on the quantitative evaluation of treatment results was approved by the XIII national Congress of therapists (Moscow, November 21–23, 2018).
1. Belousov D. Y., Zyryanov S. K., Kolbin A. S. The training manual «Clinical project management». Kachestvennaya klinicheskaya praktika. – High-quality clinical practice. 2017;(3):80-84. (In Russ.).
2. Vorobiev P. A., Holovnya M. A., Krasnova L. S. Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) in the evaluation of medical technologies – pro and con. Tihookeanskij medicinskij zhurnal. – Pacific Medical Journal. 2015;1:35-39. (In Russ.).
3. Vorobiev P. A. The theory of construction of the automated diagnostic questionnaire. Problemy standartizacii v zdravoohranenii. – Health care standardization problems. 2016;7-8:3-13. (In Russ.).
4. Gertsik Yu. G., Rogoza A. N., Boytsov S. A. Management of Cluster Structures in the Sphere of Medicine and Medical Industry with the Use of the Principles of Neurobiology. Vestnik Instituta ekonomiki Rossijskoj akademii nauk. – Bulletin of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2018;1:134-143. (In Russ.).
5. Zherebilov V. V., Nikolaev N. A., Skirdenko Y. P. Integrated quantitative assessment of result of medicinal therapy. Mezhdunarodnyj zhurnal prikladnyh i fundamental’nyh issledovanij. – International journal of applied and fundamental research. 2015;11(4):519-522. (In Russ.).
6. Zyryanov S. K., Arutyunov G. P. Clinical and economical aspects of novel approaches to the treatment of chronic heart failure decompensation. Rossijskij cardiologicheskij zhurnal. – Russ. J. Cardiol. 2015;3(119):103-107 (In Russ.).
7. Zyryanov S. K., Dumchenko E. V. Review the results of pharmacoeconomic trials of antiplatelet drugs in the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndrome. Kachestvennaya klinicheskaya praktika. – High-quality clinical practice. 2016;3:36-42. (In Russ.).
8. Zyryanov S. K., Galeyeva Zh. A. Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Medicinal Drugs: Important Issues for Practitioners. Effektivnaya farmakoterapiya. – Effective pharmacotherapy. 2016;11:40-45. (In Russ.).
9. Vorob’ev P. A., Avksent’eva M. V., Brisenko O. V., Vorob’ev A. I.,
Luk’yanceva D. V. [et al.]. Kliniko-ekonomicheskij analiz. Izd. 3-e, dopolnennoe, s prilozheniyami. Moskva: N’yudiamed, 2008. (In Russ.).
10. Ot redakcii. Kombinirovannye konechnye tochki v klinicheskih issledovaniyah: obzor publikacij. Kachestvennaya klinicheskaya praktika. – High-quality clinical practice. 2010;1:39-53. (In Russ.).
11. Kontsevaya A. V., Komkov D. S., Boytsov S. A. The modeling as a technique of evaluation of expediency of remote monitoring of arterial tension at the regional level. Zdravoohranenie Rossijskoj Federacii. – Health Care of the Russian Federation. 2017;61(1):10-16. (In Russ.).
12. Vorobiev P. A., Tsurko V. V., Eliseeva M. E., Krasnova L. S. Concept of marginal cost when modeling expenditures under comorbid pathology. Problemy standartizacii v zdravoohranenii. – Health care standardization problems. 2016;9-10:26-32. (In Russ.).
13. Kusakina V. O., Vlasov V. V. Mozhno li otkazat’ pacientu v terapii iz-za vysokoj ceny lekarstva? Pravovye voprosy v zdravoohranenii. – Legal issues in health care. 2017;7:40- 45. (In Russ.).
14. Nikolaev N. A. Integral’naya ocenka ozhidaemoj effektivnosti vmeshatel’stv pri lechenii bol’nyh arterial’noj gipertoniej: tekhnologiya; svidet-vo № 73200800042 VNTIC na registr. intel. Produkta (s pril.); zaregistrir. feder. gos. unit. predpr. Vseros. nauch.-tekhn. inform. centr 29.08.08. Idei. Gipotezy. Resheniya: inf. byul. VNTIC, 2008. (In Russ.).
15. Nikolaev N. A. Kolichestvennaya ocenka ozhidaemoj effektivnosti antigipertenzivnoj terapii u bol’nyh arterial’noj gipertoniej: tekhnologiya; svidet-vo № 73200800042 VNTIC na registr. intel. produkta (s pril.) ; zaregistrir. feder. gos. unit. predpr. Vseros. nauch.-tekhn. inform. Centr 29.08.08. Idei. Gipotezy. Resheniya: inf. byul. VNTIC, 2008. (In Russ.).
16. Nikolaev N. A. Kolichestvennaya ocenka rezul’tata antigipertenzivnoj farmakoterapii. Sovremennye naukoemkie tekhnologii. – Modern high technologies. 2009;1:30-31. (In Russ.).
17. Nikolaev N. A. Optimizaciya upravlencheskih reshenij v zdravoohranenii na osnove ob»ektivizacii rezul’tata lekarstvennoj terapii bol’nyh hronicheskimi zabolevaniyami. Glavnyj vrach: hozyajstvo i pravo. – Chief physician: housekeeping and law. 2012;6:23-26. (In Russ.).
18. Nlkolaev N. A. Patient-oriented antihypertensive therapy: clinical guidelines for the practitioner. Vrach. – Doctor. 2016;4:82- 85. (In Russ.).
19. Nikolaev N. A. Polifokal’naya terapevticheskaya sistema: opredelenie, koncepciya, tekhnologiya. Cvidet-vo № 73200700073 VNTIC na registr. intel. Produkta (s pril.) ; zaregistrir. feder. gos. unit. predpr. Vseros. nauch.-tekhn. inform. centr 15.03.07. Idei. Gipotezy. Resheniya: inf. byul. VNTIC, 2007. (In Russ.).
20. Nikolaev N. A. Rukovodstvo po klinicheskim issledovaniyam vnutrennih boleznej: nauchnaya monografiya. Moskva: Izdatel’skij dom Akademii Еstestvoznaniya, 2015. (In Russ.).
21. Zyryanov S. K., Belousov D. Yu., Afanas’eva Е. V., Kolbin A. S., Andreev B. V. [et al.]. Pod obshch. red. Yu. B. Belousova. Ocenka medicinskih tekhnologij. Rekomendacii. Moskva: Izd-vo OKI, 2013. (In Russ.).
22. Drapkina O. M., Livzan M. A., Martynov A. I., Moiseev S. V., Nikolaev N. A., Skirdenko Yu. P. ot imeni Komitеta ekspertov. Pervyj Rossijskij konsensus po kolichestvennoj ocenke priverzhennosti k lecheniyu. Terapiya. – Therapy. 2018;5:11-32. (In Russ.).
23. Vorob’ev P. A., Samojlov A. S., Dugin D. N., Pimenova A. Е., Krasnova L. S., Vorob’ev A. P. Principy ocenki innovacionnyh medicinskih tekhnologij v Federal’nom mediko-biologicheskom agentstve Rossii. Problemy standartizacii v zdravoohranenii. – Health care standardization problems. 2017;5-6:35-42. (In Russ.).
24. Nikolay A. N., Skirdenko Y. P., Bunova S. S., Ershov A. V. Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology: from Routine Control to Effective Management. Racional’naya farmakoterapiya v kardiologii. – Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. 2017;13(5):609-614. (In Russ.).
25. Skirdenko J. P., Nikolayev N. A. New approaches to individualized choice of oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation. Racional’naya farmakoterapiya v kardiologii. – Rational Pharmacotherapy in Cardiology. 2018;14(1):58-64. (In Russ.).
26. Starodubov V. I., Kurakova N. G. Optimization of the financing of fundamental and applied researchs in Russia: The analysis of conformity of the problems and solutions. Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. – Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2017;11(87):963-973. (In Russ.).
27. Sychev D. A., Sosnovsky E. E., Otdelenov V. A. Medical appropriateness index as a method for polypharmacy control. Klinicheskaya farmakologiya i terapiya. – Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. 2016;25(3):79-82. (In Russ.).
28. Sychev D. A. Polipragmaziya v klinicheskoj praktike: problema i resheniya. Uchebnoe posobie dlya vrachej. SPb.: COP «Professiya», 2016. (In Russ.).
29. Nacional’noe rukovodstvo. Pod red. A. A. Kulakova, T. G. Robustovoj, A. I. Nerobeeva. Hirurgicheskaya stomatologiya i chelyustno-licevaya hirurgiya. Moskva: GEOTAR-Media, 2015. (In Russ.).
30. Nikolaev N. A., Kolbina V. A., Kolbina M. V., Sudakova A. N., Shadevsky V. M. Examination of quality of medical care: problem points of right applicationin clinical practice. Strahovoe delo. – Insurance business. 2017;11:29- 34. (In Russ.).
31. Neaton J. D., Gray G., Zuckerman B. D. Key issues in end point selection for heart failure trials: composite end points. J. Cardiac. Failure. 2005;11:567-575.
32. Dahlof B., Devereux R. B., Kjeldsen S. E. Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the Losartan Intervention For Endpoint reduction in hypertension study (LIFE): a randomised trial against atenolol. Lancet. 2002;359:995- 1003.
33. Lubsen J., Kirwan B.-A. Combined endpoints: can we use them? Stat. Med. 2002;21:2959-2970.
34. The ESPRIT Study Group. Aspirin plus dipyridamole versus aspirin alone after cerebral ischaemia of arterial origin (ESPRIT): randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2006;367:1665-1673.
35. Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP). Points to consider on multiplicity issues in clinical trials. CPMP/EWP/908/99. Available at: pdfs/human/ewp/ 090899en.pdf [Accessed 2018.02.26]
36. World Health Organization. Choosing Interventions that are Cost-Eff ective. Available at: cost-effectiveness/en.pdf [Accessed 2018.03.20]
Keywords: the result of the treatment, quantification, rationality, profitability, the recommendations of the Russian consensus