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Aging as a complex of typical pathophysiological processes

Ilya Solovev; Mikhail Shaposhnikov; Alexey Moskalev; Alexander Viktorovich Melerzanov;

Aging is associated with progressing decline in adaptive abilities in organisms and leads to physiological discoordination of different organs and systems, which negatively influences quality of life and hinders socialization and sanity; at the same time all these factors are connected to the risk of death growth. In the present paper we regard aging as a developing complex of linked changes, realizing via typical pathological processes: inflammation, hypertrophy, dysplasia, apoptosis, necrosis, fibrosis, etc. The suggested approach permits to identify basic pathological processes as targets which might be modified by multiple anti-aging interventions. The review contains the table of pathological processes organized in the connection to systems and organs and the conceptual scheme where the alterative origin of aging processes is shown.


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Keywords: aging, alteration, typical pathological processes

Stavropol State Medical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneotherapeutics
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy