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[Lecture. Clinical decisions support]
Leonid Dvoretsky;
This lecture concerns fever of unknown origin (FUO), one of the topical interdisciplinary problems of clinical medicine. This lecture reviewed some clinical situations when fever is a single manifestation of diseases. Diagnostic algorithm is proposed to find the causes of long-term fever, as well as patient management tactics. Particular attention is paid to the management of FUO when possible causes hasn’t been identified despite a comprehensive examination.
1. Petersdorf R., Beeson Р. Fever of unknown origin. Medicine (Baltimore). 1961;40:1-30.
2. Dvoretsky L. I. Lihoradka neyasnogo geneza. Vechnaya klinicheskaya intriga. Moskva: «MEDpress-inform », 2016. (In Russ.).
3. Holder M. A., Ledbetter C. Fever of unknown origin: An evidence based approach. Nurse Pract. 2011;36(8):46-52. 0000399714.32080.49
4. Mourad O., Palda V., Detsky A. S. A comprehensive evidence-based approach to fever of unknown origin. Arch. Intern. Med. 2003;163:545-551.
5. Tal S., Guller V., Gurevich A. Fever of Unknown Origin in Older Adults. Clin. Geriatr. Med. 2007;23:649-668.
6. Kim Y. J., Kim S. I., Hong K. W., Kang M. W. Diagnostic value of 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with fever of unknown origin. Intern. Med. J. 2012;42:834-837.
7. Meller J., Sahlmann C. O., Gürocak O., Liersch T., Meller B. FDG-PET in patients with fever of unknown origin: the importance of diagnosing large vessel vasculitis Q. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging. 2009;53:51-63. 8. Williams J., Bellamy R. Fever of unknown origin. Clin. Med. 2008;8:526-530.
9. Schafu Ch., Kirsh W. Unklares Fieber. Internist. 1994;35:415-423.
10. Bryan C. S., Ahuja D. Fever of unknown origin: is there a role for empiric therapy? Infect. Dis. Clin. North. Am. 2007;21:1213-1220. idc.2007.08.007
11. Castillo J. R., Armstrong W. S. Fever of unknown origin in adults. Infect. Med. 2006;23:6-16.
Keywords: fever of unknown origin, diagnostic algorithm, not decoded fever