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Andrey Kaprin; Andrey Kostin; Nina Kulchenko; Yuriy Samsonov; Farid Mangutov; Irina Eremina; Oleg Zinchenko; Aleksey Kulchenko;
To improve the diagnostics of erectile dysfunction (ED) 138 men with the trouble of erection quality have been examined using ultrasound dopplerography of the penis and phalloscintigraphy. In 7.8 % of cases no pathology was found. In 28.1 % of patients arterial ED has been identified by phalloscintigraphy, in 23.4 % – venoocclusive ED and in 40.6 % – disruption of the microcirculation within the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Phalloscintigraphy demonstrated high sensitivity (91 %) and specificity (94 %) in identification of various forms of vasculogenic ED.
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Keywords: erectile dysfunction, phalloscintigraphy, ultrasound dopplerography of the penis